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The Misuse of the POCSO Act and Its Impact on Justice

May 06, 2024


In the wake of a 2023 report revealing a dismal 3% conviction rate in POCSO cases from 2022, the glaring reality of justice eluding countless victims of sexual abuse comes to light. The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, enacted with the noble intention of safeguarding children from sexual exploitation, has unfortunately become a tool for misuse and injustice.

One of the primary issues plaguing the implementation of the POCSO Act is the misinterpretation and misapplication of its provisions. While the law was designed to provide swift and stringent punishment for perpetrators of child sexual abuse, it is often manipulated to falsely implicate innocent individuals. Cases of false accusations and wrongful arrests have become alarmingly common, leading to the wrongful persecution of individuals who are unjustly branded as offenders.

Furthermore, the lack of proper investigation and due process exacerbates the problem, as law enforcement agencies often prioritize securing convictions over ensuring the integrity of the legal proceedings. In their zeal to show progress in combating sexual crimes against children, authorities sometimes overlook crucial evidence and fail to conduct thorough investigations, resulting in miscarriages of justice.

Moreover, the societal stigma surrounding allegations of child sexual abuse creates a hostile environment for the accused, making it difficult for them to defend themselves against false accusations. The presumption of guilt, fueled by sensationalist media coverage and public outrage, further undermines the principles of justice and fairness.

In addition, the overburdened judicial system contributes to the prolonged delay and denial of justice for victims of sexual abuse. Cases languish in courts for years, subjecting survivors to further trauma and depriving them of closure and redress. The backlog of cases, coupled with inadequate support services for survivors, perpetuates a cycle of impunity and re-victimization.

The misuse of the POCSO Act not only undermines the credibility of the legal system but also erodes public trust in the efficacy of child protection laws. It is imperative that urgent measures be taken to address the systemic flaws and loopholes within the implementation of the act. Strengthening safeguards against false accusations, improving investigative procedures, and enhancing support services for survivors are essential steps towards ensuring that justice is served equitably and effectively.

In last, the misuse of the POCSO Act represents a grave miscarriage of justice, where innocent individuals are unjustly persecuted while true perpetrators escape accountability. It is incumbent upon lawmakers, law enforcement agencies, and society as a whole to work together to rectify these injustices and uphold the principles of fairness, integrity, and compassion in the pursuit of justice for victims of sexual abuse.

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Appeal for Judicial Intervention in Media Trials

April 8, 2024


Ashish Kumar
Ramgarh, Jharkhand

April 8, 2024

The Honorable Chief Justice of India
Supreme Court of India
New Delhi

Subject: Appeal for Judicial Intervention in Media Trials

Respected Chief Justice,

I pen this letter with a profound sense of urgency and a deep respect for the esteemed office you hold—a bastion of justice in our great democracy. It is with a humble heart and a citizen’s concern for the future of our society that I seek to draw your attention to a matter of grave importance—the phenomenon of media trials in India.

In recent years, we have witnessed an alarming trend where the media has assumed the role of a quasi-judicial entity, conducting what are popularly known as ‘media trials.’ This practice, where cases and individuals are tried and judged in the court of public opinion, has become a ticking time bomb, threatening to erode the very pillars of democracy and the sanctity of our society.

The media, revered as the fourth pillar of democracy, holds the power to shape narratives and influence public perception. However, when this power is wielded without restraint, it can disrupt the balance of justice. Media trials have the potential to prejudice the minds of the public and the jurors alike, casting a shadow of bias even before the judiciary has had an opportunity to deliberate on the facts of the case.

The impact of such trials is not merely confined to the distortion of public opinion but extends to the undermining of the judiciary’s authority¹². When verdicts are pronounced in news studios, the subliminal pressure on the judicial process can be immense. The constant scrutiny and updates on sub judice matters create a clouded environment, leaving the case and the lives of those involved in a perilous state³.

Moreover, the sensationalism that often accompanies media trials infringes upon the rights of individuals, violating the principle of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ and denying them the right to a fair trial. The media’s narrative, driven by the pursuit of ratings, often overlooks the nuanced understanding of the law, leading to a trial by spectacle rather than a trial by evidence.

As a concerned citizen, I humbly request your intervention in this critical issue. It is imperative that the judiciary takes cognizance of the repercussions of media trials and considers implementing stringent guidelines to safeguard the administration of justice. The need of the hour is to ensure that the media refrains from encroaching upon the domain of the judiciary and respects the due process of law.

The future of our democracy and the faith of our citizens in the judicial system are at stake. We must act swiftly to prevent the erosion of these foundational elements that uphold our society. I trust that under your esteemed leadership, the judiciary will rise to address this challenge and preserve the sanctity of justice.

With the highest regard and anticipation for your judicious responses.

Yours faithfully,
Ashish Kumar

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The Fourth Pillar’s Tilt

April 01, 2024


The Fourth Pillar’s Tilt: Decoding the Dilemma of Kangaroo Journalism


India’s media landscape, often hailed as the “fourth pillar” of democracy, has undergone significant transformations over the years. However, the noble ideals of journalism—truth, objectivity, and public service—have been compromised. The rise of “kangaroo journalism,” characterized by unethical practices and the blurring of lines between news and advertisements, poses a grave threat to our nation and its democratic fabric.

The Menace of Paid News

1. The Corruption Within
   – Corruption in the media is not new; it has deep historical roots. Yet, the recent phenomenon of “paid news” transcends individual journalists’ transgressions.
   – From planting favorable information for cash or favors to institutionalized corruption, media outlets now receive funds to publish or broadcast content in favor of specific individuals, corporations, or political parties.

2. The Blurring Boundaries
   – The distinction between news and advertisements has blurred. Paid news masquerades as objective reporting, deceiving readers and viewers.
   – When “news” becomes a commodity, the public struggles to differentiate between genuine reporting and sponsored content.

3. Election Malpractices
   – During elections, “paid news” takes a more pernicious form. Favorable reports and feature articles on political candidates flood newspapers and TV channels.
   – These disguised advertisements influence voters, eroding the purity of the democratic process.

Impact on Democracy and Society

1. Undermining Democracy
   – Paid news subverts the essence of democracy. Voters deserve accurate information to make informed choices, but when news becomes a commodity, electoral integrity suffers.

2. Biased Reporting
   – Kangaroo journalism perpetuates biased reporting. Specific interests dictate content, compromising objectivity.
   – The public’s right to unbiased information is violated, weakening democratic participation.

3. Decline in Trust
   – As media credibility wanes, trust in institutions erodes. Citizens become cynical, questioning the very foundations of democracy.
   – A free press should hold power accountable, but when it succumbs to corruption, democracy falters.


1. Enforcing Guidelines
   – Media outlets must strictly adhere to guidelines that demarcate news from advertisements.
   – Clear disclaimers and distinct typefaces can help maintain transparency.

2. Full Disclosure
   – Candidates and political parties should disclose their financial interests in media organizations.
   – Transparency ensures that readers and viewers know the context behind positive coverage.


Kangaroo journalism threatens the soul of our democracy. To restore the fourth pillar’s integrity, we must champion ethical reporting, safeguard electoral processes, and uphold the public’s right to unbiased information. Only then can India’s media regain its rightful place as a beacon of truth and accountability. 🗞️🇮🇳

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Appeal to Address Fabricated Legal Cases and Protect Judicial Integrity

March 30, 2024


Ashish Kumar
Ramgarh, Jharkhand
March 29, 2024

The Honorable Chief Justice of India
Supreme Court of India 
New Delhi

Subject: Appeal to Address Fabricated Legal Cases and Protect Judicial Integrity

Dear Honorable Chief Justice,

I am writing to you with a profound sense of concern regarding the escalating menace of fabricated legal cases that are undermining the very foundation of our judicial system and wreaking havoc on the lives of innocent individuals. As a conscientious citizen deeply committed to upholding the principles of justice and fairness, I implore you to take immediate and decisive action to address this pressing issue.

In recent years, there has been an alarming proliferation of fabricated legal cases orchestrated by certain vested interests with political or professional agendas. These cases are built on a web of lies, manipulation, and coercion, and are relentlessly pursued with the sole intent of persecuting and defaming innocent individuals. The victims of these fabricated cases are subjected to malicious investigations, baseless accusations, and prolonged legal battles that not only drain their resources but also inflict irreparable damage to their lives and reputations.

The prevalence of fabricated legal cases is a direct assault on the principles of justice, fairness, and the rule of law. It erodes public trust in our judicial institutions and undermines the fundamental rights and liberties guaranteed by our Constitution. Moreover, it perpetuates a culture of impunity where the powerful and influential can manipulate the legal system to serve their own interests at the expense of justice and integrity.

It is imperative that we take concrete steps to address this grave threat to our judicial system and the well-being of our society. I urge you to consider the following measures:

1. Enhanced Oversight and Accountability:  Implement robust mechanisms for oversight and accountability within the judiciary to prevent the abuse of legal processes and ensure the fair and impartial adjudication of cases. This includes stringent monitoring of court proceedings, regular audits of case files, and transparent reporting of judicial decisions.

2. Strengthened Legal Framework:  Advocate for legislative reforms to strengthen the legal framework and impose stricter penalties on those found guilty of fabricating false cases and manipulating judicial proceedings. This may include amendments to existing laws to provide for expedited trials and harsher punishments for perpetrators of judicial misconduct.

3. Victim Support and Protection: Establish specialized support services for victims of fabricated legal cases, including access to legal aid, counseling, and rehabilitation programs. Additionally, ensure adequate measures are in place to protect victims and their families from harassment, intimidation, and retaliation by those responsible for fabricating false cases.

4. Public Awareness and Education: Launch public awareness campaigns to educate the public, legal professionals, and law enforcement agencies about the detrimental effects of fabricated legal cases and the importance of upholding ethical standards and due process in the administration of justice. This includes disseminating information about the rights of individuals accused of crimes and the legal remedies available to them.

5. Judicial Reform and Capacity Building: Invest in judicial reform initiatives aimed at improving the efficiency, transparency, and integrity of our judicial system. This may involve training programs for judges, prosecutors, and court staff to enhance their capacity to handle complex legal cases and uphold the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.

In conclusion, the prevalence of fabricated legal cases poses a grave threat to the integrity and credibility of our judicial system. It is imperative that we take decisive action to combat this scourge and reaffirm our commitment to justice, fairness, and the rule of law. I urge you to prioritize this issue and work collaboratively with all stakeholders to implement meaningful reforms that will restore public trust and confidence in our judiciary.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I trust in your leadership and dedication to upholding the principles of justice and fairness that are the cornerstone of our democracy.

Yours sincerely,
Ashish Kumar

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आत्मा की होली: एक नई सुबह

March 24, 2024


होली के इस पर्व पर, खो गया असली रंग,
भूल गए सब वो कथा, प्रह्लाद की अद्भुत उमंग।

खेल रहे रंगों से, पर दिलों में है फासले,
भंग के नशे में चूर, भूले सब अपने वास्ते।

होलिका की ज्वाला में, जली थी बुराई की छाया,
पर आज की होली में, खो गया वो सच्चाई का माया।

आओ फिर से याद करें, उस भक्ति की अमर कहानी,
जहाँ सत्य की जीत हुई, बिना किसी शोर शराबे की बयानी।

छोड़ो ये नशा और शोर, लौटो उस पवित्रता की ओर,
जहाँ होली का मतलब हो, आत्मा की शुद्धता की भोर।

जब तक ना मनाएंगे, उस भक्ति की होली,
तब तक ना पाएंगे, जीवन की वो सच्ची झोली।

हो ली जो बीत गया, उसे ना दोहराना है,
आने वाले कल में, नई राह बनाना है।

बिना मोह के जीना, बिना बंधन के उड़ना,
अपने हृदय को करो आज़ाद, दुआओं में खुद को फिर से जोड़ना।

उठो, चलो, बढ़ो, आत्म-साक्षात्कार की राह पर,
उनके रंग में रंग जाओ, बनो महान, बनो अमर।

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होली और बेरोजगारी

March 23, 2024


होली का त्योहार है, रंगों का बहार है,
पर मेरे हाथों में, कलम का ही रंग सार है।

गलियों में गूंजे हैं, खुशियों के तराने,
पर मेरी आँखों में, बस रोजगार के अफसाने।

रंगों से खेले सब, मैं खेलूँ अपने सपनों से,
होली तो फिर होली है, जब जीवन में रंग भरों से।

दिवाली की ज्योति सी, रोशनी का इंतजार है,
बेरोजगारी की अंधेरी रात में, उम्मीद का संसार है।

जब तक नौकरी ना मिले, त्योहार भी फीके लगते हैं,
जीवन के इस मोड़ पर, सब रंग बेरंगे लगते हैं।

पर हार नहीं मानूंगी, लड़ूंगी इस जंग से,
भरूंगी रंग अपने जीवन में, अपने संघर्ष से।

होली के इस मौसम में, कलम का रंग चढ़ाऊंगी,
अपने सपनों की होली, खुद ही मनाऊंगी।

और जब रोजगार मिल जाएगा, दिवाली भी आएगी,
जीवन में फिर से खुशियों की लहर छाएगी।

तब होली भी होली होगी, दिवाली भी दिवाली होगी,
हर दिन उत्सव होगा, जब जीवन में रोशनी होगी।

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Not For Human Consumption

March 20, 2024


आज पूजा भंडार में देखा घी,
लिखा था – “Not for human consumption”,
दिल दहल गया यह पढ़कर,
कैसे इसे पूजा में उपयोग करें?
राम जी से संपत्ति की चाहत रखते हो,
मिलावटी घी का दीपक जलाकर,
बल-बुद्धि मांगते हो जहर का दीपक जलाकर,
सौ रुपये किलो घी मिल रहा है,
लेकिन शर्म नहीं आती उसे खरीदने में।
खुद को Amul butter चाहिए खाने में,
लेकिन राम जी के सामने जलाने के लिए,
“Not For Human Consumption” वाला घी चाहिए,
जिसने सब कुछ दिया है,
उसके सामने दीपक जलाने के लिए तुम्हारे पास अच्छा घी नहीं है।
अगर नहीं औकात है तो मत जलाओ दीपक,
लेकिन ये क्या बात हुई,
“Puja Ghee: Not For Human Consumption”,
“Not For Human Consumption” वाले घी को,
तुम सब God Consumption में उपयोग कर रहे हो।
ऐसे बुद्धि बर्बाद हो गई है लोगों की,
कि समझ नहीं आता है,
मेरे राम जी 100, 500, 1000 के घी का मूल्य नहीं देखते हैं,
देखते हैं तो वो भावना देखते हैं,
लेकिन तुम तो शर्म करो यार,
“Not For Human Consumption” को God Consumption में उपयोग करते हो।
नहीं कुछ हो तो काल्पनिक दीपक जला कर,
भगवान को कह दो कि इसे स्वीकार करो भगवान ।

हाथ जोड़ कर कहते हैं सुधर जाओ,
नहीं तो सुधार दिए जाओगे,
जब कर्मों का डंडा पड़ेगा तो।

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March 3, 2024

Shanky ❤Salty


In a world dominated by fleeting digital connections, the profound impact of human relationships often goes unnoticed. ‘Heartstrings’ invites you on an enlightening journey into the intricate web of connections that define our very existence.

From the earliest bonds formed with family to the complexities of friendship and romance, this book delves deep into the essence of what it means to connect, to love, and to grow together.

About the Book:

‘Heartstrings’ explores the psychology of human connections, unraveling the dynamics of parent-child relationships, the nuances of lifelong friendships, and the intricate dance of romantic partnerships. It offers insights, wisdom, and practical guidance for nurturing and understanding the relationships that shape our world.

About the Author:

Anita Vij, the proud mother of two remarkably successful sons and a devoted wife, brings her wealth of personal experiences to the pages of ‘Heartstrings’. Drawing from her own journey of navigating the twists and turns of interpersonal connections, Anita explores various forms of relationships with heartfelt reflections and practical tips.

Special Pre-Launch Offer:

For a limited time, *Heartstrings* is available for just ₹200 as a special pre-launch offer (original price ₹700). As a gesture of appreciation, the author, Anita Vij, is offering a full refund to all readers who purchase the book during this exclusive offer period.

To avail of this offer, simply purchase your copy of ‘Heartstrings’, take a screenshot of your purchase, and send it to here. Your refund will be processed promptly.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to deepen and enrich your relationships. Grab your copy of ‘Heartstrings’ today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and connection.

Link to Purchase Heartstrings

Link for Refund

Offer valid until March 4, 2024

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राम का राजनीतिकरण…!!!!

February 20, 2024


राम का राजनीतिकरण…!!!!

सनातन संस्कृति की तुम बात करते हो
भारत के किसानों को सड़कों पर आँदोलन करने में मजबूर तुम करते हो
सीमा विवाद को सुलझाने के बजाय तुम शहादत पर गर्व करते हो
अमीर को और अमीर करते जाओ
गरीब को और गरीब करते जाओ
संतों को झूठे आरोपों के साथ जेल में डालते जाओ
युवाओं को रोज़गार के जगह आत्महत्या पर मजबूर कर दो
बात बात पर तुम सनातन संस्कृति की बात करते जाओ
और पीठ पीछे अंतरजातीय विवाह को बढ़ावा देते जाओ
दो से दस लाख में वोट का व्यपार बढ़ाते जाओ
सत्ता के लालच में तुम अपनी औकात दिखाते जाओ
एक तरफ तुम अस्पतालों का उद्घाटन करके वा वाहवाही कमाओ
दुजे तरफ शराब के ठेकों को लाईसेंस दे के मुस्कुराते जाओ
अठारह साल के बाद मतदान का अधिकार तुमने दिया है
जोड़-तोड़ कर सरकार बनाकर तुमनें उस जनादेश का धज्जियां उड़ाया है
राम को हम लाएंगे, मंदिर वहीं बनाएंगे का नारा दिया था तुमनें
अध्यादेश लाने का हिम्मत ना जुटा पाया था तुमनें
राम को हम लाएं है, मंदिर वहीं हम बनाएं है कहते हो तुम
तो ज़रा बताओ मुझको, न्यायालय क्या नौटंकी करने गए थे तुम
खैर यह सब छोड़ो तुम
हिंदू मुस्लिम सिक्ख ईसाई को लड़ाओगे तुम
सत्ता की कुर्सी के लिए कुछ भी कर जाओगे तुम
तुम कहते हो विपक्ष चोर है उन्हें वोट मत दो
फिर उन्हीं चोरों को तुम खुद में मिला लेते हो
और कहते हो अबकी बार चार सौ पार
पता नहीं जी तुम कौन सा नशा करते हो
सनातन की बात तुम करते हो, राम पर अपना अधिकार जमाते हो
बात बात पर तुम देशभक्ति का, रामभक्ति का प्रमाण पत्र बाँटते हो
ना जाने क्यों तुम राम सेतु को राष्ट्रीय धरोहर घोषित करने से कतराते हो
रोजगार की बात आती है तो तुम पिछली सरकारों से तुलना करते हो
राम का राजनीति करण कर धार्मिक क्षेत्र में तुम हस्तक्षेप करते हो
संत समाज कोई आवाज़ उठाए तो तुम जेल के पीछे उन्हें धकेल देते हो
वृद्धों को न्याय दिलाने के जगह तुम वृद्धाश्रम खोलते हो
वैश्यावृत्ति को बंद कर उत्थान करने के बजाय तुम उन्हें कानुनी मान्नयता देते हो
हरकते तुम्हारी देख गिरगिट भी शर्मा जाता है
कहूँ तो क्या कहूँ मैं, लिखते हुए तो हृदय कांप उठता है हमारा
कलयुग है यह सोच कर अपनी कलम को रख देता हूँ
और मौन होकर राम में रम जाता हूँ

होइहि सोइ जो राम रचि राखा। को करि तर्क बढ़ावै साखा॥
अस कहि लगे जपन हरिनामा। गईं सती जहँ प्रभु सुखधामा॥

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A Single Rose

February 7, 2024


In the garden of affection, blooms a tale untold,
Where love for parents, like roots, silently unfold.
While roses dance in hands of love’s embrace,
In every petal, gratitude for parents we should trace.

A single rose, a token, so often we neglect,
Yet in its simplicity, parental love reflects.
For every thorn they bore, shielding us from harm,
Their sacrifices echo in each rose’s charm.

In the language of roses, let’s redefine,
The love for parents, enduring and divine.
For they are the gardeners of our tender souls,
Their love, a bouquet, in life’s journey, consoles.

So on this rose day, let’s remember and confess,
The love for parents, an eternal caress.
For in their embrace, we find our truest treasure,
A bond of love, surpassing all measure.

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Whispers of Joy

February 4, 2024

Shanky❤ Salty

In little things, life’s joy resides,
Tiny treasures where happiness abides.

What’s waste for one, holds a different view,
For another, a smiling face, anew.

Life’s essence found in moments small,
In every rise, in every fall.

Cherishing joys, however slight,
In every dawn, in every night.

So let’s seek bliss in the small array,
For in life’s details, dreams hold sway.

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Dear Death, I’m Ready

February 03, 2024


Dear Death, I’m Ready’ is a poignant collection of 101 poems, a poetic journey penned by a resilient 25-year-old soul grappling with the shadows of depression. Through verses like ‘In the Shadows, the author weaves a tapestry of emotions, narrating the raw struggles of a young spirit facing the abyss of difficult times.

This collection serves as a testament to the strength found in vulnerability, where each poem echoes the silent battles fought within. From the depths of solitude to the flicker of hope, these verses paint a vivid portrait of resilience, inviting readers to witness the profound transformation that unfolds through the power of poetry.

Explore the pages of this evocative book, where the author’s words become a refuge for those navigating their own storms. ‘Dear Death, I’m Ready’ is not just a collection of poems; it’s a heartfelt conversation with despair, an offering of solace, and a courageous declaration of readiness to face whatever comes next.

To Read My book Click here

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Shanky is No more

January 24, 2024


Don’t know when that day will come,
And someone will say “Shanky is No more.”

In shadows deep, a soul entwined,
Lost in echoes, thoughts maligned.

The weight of darkness, a heavy cloak,
Silent whispers, a heart bespoke.

Through the corridors of despair,
Shanky’s spirit, burdened, unaware.

A melancholy tale unfolds,
In sorrow’s grip, a story holds.

Gone the laughter, replaced by tears,
Fading hopes, escalating fears.

No solace found in the moonlit night,
Shattered dreams, a haunting sight.

As the echoes mourn, the heart grows numb,
A requiem sung for Shanky, now succumbed.

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Is suicide the only option for me?

January 23, 2024


In shadows deep, where sorrows reside,
A soul in turmoil, nowhere to hide.
“Is suicide the only option for me?”
Echoes in the heart, a bleak decree.

A symphony of despair, a haunting tune,
Dark clouds hover, obscuring the moon.
Lost in the labyrinth of endless pain,
Seeking an exit, but all in vain.

Loneliness whispers, a cruel companion,
A desolate heart, a forsaken canyon.
In the depths of gloom, emotions entwine,
A shattered spirit, a fragile design.

Yet, hold on, for hope may still gleam,
A distant flicker, a chance to redeem.
Let the verses of life rewrite your rhyme,
In the darkest abyss, find strength to climb.

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Dear Death, I’m Ready

January 18, 2024


📚✨ Exciting News for My Lovely Readers! ✨📚

Hello dear readers! 🌟 I am thrilled to share a sneak peek into my upcoming book, “Dear Death, I’m Ready.” 📖 This poetic journey unfolds the heart-wrenching tale of a 25-year-old soul navigating through the shadows of depression, using the power of pen to express his deepest pains.

🌈✒️ Your Suggestions Matter! ✒️🌈

I invite you to be a part of this creative process. Share your valuable suggestions for the book cover and interior design. Let your creativity flow, and let’s make this book a beautiful and impactful masterpiece together! 🎨💖

Feel free to drop your suggestions in the comments below or in my email. Your input is not just welcomed; it’s cherished. Thank you for being an integral part of this journey. 🙏💕

Stay tuned for more updates, and let’s create something extraordinary! 🚀📚

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I spend 90% of my life in bed

January 16, 2024


I spend 90% of my life in bed,
Where shadows dance, and silence is spread.

A cocoon of darkness, my only friend,
In the abyss of thoughts, my soul descends.

The weight of sorrow, a heavy chain,
Binding me tight, in this endless pain.

Dreams shattered like fragile glass,
In this desolation, my heart does amass.

Loneliness echoes, a haunting rhyme,
Lost in the labyrinth of endless time.

Hope, a distant, fading ember,
Life’s cruel joke, a relentless member.

The night unfolds its mournful wings,
As the echoes of despair softly sing.

A symphony of sadness, plays in my head,
In this cocoon of darkness, I’m silently led.

I spend 90% of my life in bed,
A prisoner of thoughts, my spirit is bled.

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Born to Suffer

January 12, 2024


Born to Suffer

In shadows deep, where echoes weep,
I feel the weight, my soul does keep.
A silent scream, a muted cry,
In the recesses where hopes die.

Born to suffer, destiny’s jest,
A heart entangled in its unrest.
Drowning in the tears unseen,
Lost within the void between.

The night’s embrace, a bitter cold,
A tale of sorrow, silently told.
Whispers of despair, a haunting song,
In this realm of darkness, I belong.

A captive of the echoes, relentless pain,
In every heartbeat, a melancholy refrain.
The world may spin, yet I stand still,
Trapped within a web of my own will.

Born to suffer, an eternal theme,
A soul adrift in a hopeless dream.
In the symphony of sadness, I find my part,
A masterpiece of misery, etched in my heart.

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The Pen Knows My Pain…

January 11, 2024


In the silence of my soul, a pen unveils my strife,
A solitary witness to the shadows of my life.

Loneliness echoes, in the ink it finds a home,
A silent confidant, in the verses I roam.

Darkness clings to every line, a dance of despair,
In the solace of sorrow, my heart lays bare.

The pen, a scribe of pain, etches woes on the page,
In the script of suffering, I find my cage.

No solace in the daylight, no solace in the night,
The pen bears witness, to my endless fight.

A symphony of sadness, in each stroke it weaves,
In the tapestry of tears, my soul conceives.

The only companion to my melancholic strain,
In the language of longing, the pen knows my pain.

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Eternal Echoes

January 6, 2024


Eternal Echoes

In the verses of the Bhagavad Gita’s song,
Life’s symphony, where we all belong.
Art of living, painted bold,
Guidance profound, a tale retold.

Stress and anxiety, a fleeting mist,
Gita’s whispers, a calming twist.
Self-awareness blooms, a silent dance,
Reflection’s mirror, a second chance.

Positive thinking, a radiant ray,
Present moments, the Gita’s way.
Moral compass, unwavering guide,
Compassion’s river, in which we glide.

Spiritual whispers, a sacred quest,
Connection divine, within our chest.
Self-discipline, the warrior’s stance,
Mastering senses, life’s intricate dance.

Adversity faced, with inner might,
Resilience forged, in the darkest night.
Harmony with nature, a cosmic vow,
Service to others, a sacred plough.

Self-realization’s radiant sun,
Detachment’s victory, battles won.
Balanced living, a rhythmic flow,
Courage and confidence, in shadows glow.

Gratitude’s garden, where blessings bloom,
Forgiveness’ balm, healing wounds.
Inner peace, a tranquil stream,
Present moment, life’s blissful dream.

Ethical choices, a moral thread,
Compassion’s tapestry, widely spread.
Embracing change, like winds that blow,
Adaptability’s grace, a graceful show.

Discipline’s fortress, a stronghold true,
Dealing with emotions, the Gita’s cue.
Divine connection, a sacred trance,
Service to others, life’s grand romance.

In conclusion, echoes eternal,
Gita’s verses, a guiding journal.
A poem of wisdom, in verses few,
Motivation’s embrace, life anew.

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Path to Serenity

January 5, 2024


Path to Serenity

In Kurukshetra’s field, where warriors tread,
Krishna spoke, to Arjuna, wisdom widespread.

Duty, the anchor in life’s stormy sea,
A call to fight, yet from attachment, be free.

Self-realization, the soul’s true quest,
Beyond birth and death, find eternal rest.

Devotion’s forms, myriad and wide,
Meditation, service, in them, confide.

Modes of nature weave their subtle sway,
Rise above, in goodness, find the way.

Act without attachment, Krishna implores,
Offer fruits to God, as duty restores.

Bhakti’s essence, love deep and true,
Not in rituals, but in the heart it grew.

Paths of yoga, diverse in their course,
Karma, Bhakti, Jnana, the soul’s discourse.

Equanimity, the mind’s steady helm,
In life’s tempest, find spiritual realm.

Surrender to God, in faith repose,
Liberation blooms where surrender flows.

Live with ethics, a noble creed,
Fearless, pure, compassionate indeed.

Self-discipline, a key to the soul’s door,
Detachment’s balm, inner peace it’ll restore.

Gunas, the three, shape every creation,
Strive for sattva, in life’s foundation.

God, the cosmic source of creation’s dance,
See divinity in all, give life a chance.

Serve with love, a sacred devotion,
Connect with God through selfless motion.

Bhagavad Gita, a guide profound,
In its verses, eternal wisdom found.

To purpose, meaning, growth, it leads,
Inspires hearts, fulfilling all needs.

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Kaleidoscope of Wisdom

January 3, 2024


“Kaleidoscope of Wisdom: Bhagavad Gita’s Prism in Life’s Spectrum” offers profound insights into navigating life’s diverse challenges. This enlightening book delves into the timeless teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, providing guidance for individuals grappling with anger, sin, forgiveness, grief, pride, and various other facets of human experience. With practical wisdom, it addresses issues like loneliness, depression, fear, and temptation, offering a holistic approach to finding peace and purpose. Through the Gita’s teachings, readers are empowered to overcome obstacles, cultivate self-discipline, and discover a path to inner harmony amid life’s complexities.

Buy Paperback version click here

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अकेलेपन की छाँव….!!!!

December 30, 2023


इस पुस्तक को समर्पित करता हूँ उन सभी लोगों को, जो डिप्रेशन की अंधेरे से गुजर रहे हैं और अपनी बातें किसी से कहने में कठिनाई महसूस कर रहे हैं।

एक 25 वर्षीय युवक की गहरी डिप्रेशन से जूझती जिंदगी का सुंदर सफर, ‘अकेलेपन की छाँव’ के माध्यम से आपके सामने है। इस पुस्तक में उसने अपने भावनाओं को कविता के रूप में व्यक्त करने का प्रयास किया है। जीवन के विभिन्न अनुभवों का खोज करें, जो हर्ष और दुःख से भरे हैं। यह सुंदरता से भरपूर है और आत्महत्या के ख्यालात का मुकाबला करती है, उन्हें ऐसी कविताओं में बदलती है जो दूसरों को प्रेरित करती हैं कि हर परिस्थिति से निर्णय लें। जीवन की रहस्यमयी बातों पर विचार करें और जीवन के उपहास और दुःख में शक्ति ढूंढने की कला का आनंद लें। यह संग्रह सहजपन और आनंद में सामर्थ्य के लिए एक प्रमाण है।

Buy Paperback version click here

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Harmony of Hearts: A Gita-Inspired Journey

December 22, 2023


In compassion’s embrace, within their hearts I reside,
With wisdom’s radiant lamp, ignorance I deride.

A symphony of kindness, a melody divine,
In their sorrows, a solace, a soothing sign.

Darkness dissipates, as knowledge takes its flight,
A radiant beacon dispelling the shadows of night.

In the dance of existence, a harmonious tune,
I dissolve the illusions, like the sun at noon.

Through the verses of Gita, the wisdom flows,
A river of enlightenment, where serenity grows.

In the canvas of souls, strokes of empathy I paint,
A masterpiece of love, no restraint or constraint.

With every heartbeat, a rhythm of grace,
Guiding them forward, in life’s intricate maze.

For in their journey, I am a constant guide,
In the sanctuary of hearts, forever reside.

With the flame of understanding, ignorance I burn,
A phoenix rising, in wisdom, they discern.

In the symphony of life, let kindness play,
As love and knowledge light their way.

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Harmony’s Embrace

December 3, 2023


In realms where desires quietly fade,
A soul unburdened, a path well-laid.
Renouncing greed, a noble decree,
A journey to peace, serene and free.

No grasp on possessions, no claim to own,
In ego’s shadow, seeds of peace are sown.
A spirit released from worldly ties,
In the realm of tranquility, it softly lies.

Material veils lifted, illusions set free,
A heart unchained, soaring, wild and free.
Not bound by wants, nor possessions hold,
In the tapestry of simplicity, stories unfold.

No proprietorship in the dance of life,
Just harmony echoing, erasing strife.
Ego’s whispers silenced, a humble song,
In the symphony of peace, where all belong.

Through valleys of selflessness, a river winds,
Where purest peace, like a melody, binds.
A soul released, from burdens it’s leased,
In the embrace of stillness, its joy increased.

So, let go of wants, let go of the “I,”
Find peace in simplicity, beneath the sky.
In the quiet surrender, a truth is found,
Perfect peace, in the silence profound.

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In Her Reflection

November 30, 2023


In the mirror, she finds delight,
Adorned with sindoor, bangles so bright.
Each ornament, a tale untold,
In her presence, my heart takes hold.

Sindoor’s red, a symbol profound,
Chains of love, in bangles wound.
Kangan’s jingle, a melody sweet,
In her gaze, two worlds meet.

Kajal traces stories in her eyes,
Bindi, a dot where beauty lies.
Anguthi, a promise on her hand,
Our love, like grains of golden sand.

Bichhua whispers tales untold,
Payal’s dance, a love story unfold.
Nath adorns, like a delicate thread,
In her presence, all sorrows shed.

Jhumka sways with every move,
Mehendi patterns, a symbol to prove.
Mahavar’s grace in her stride,
In this love, we both confide.

As petals open in the morning light,
Our love blossoms, pure and bright.
A symphony of emotions, like a song,
In her presence, where I belong.

So, in each ornament, a chapter unfolds,
Love’s tale, in these details, it holds.
Like a golden flower in full bloom,
Our love, a fragrance, fills the room.

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Dear Death, I’m Ready

November 24, 2023


Dear Death,

I embrace this peculiar discourse with you, a soliloquy born from the depths of my soul. It intrigues me, your silent companion, a witness to the stories untold. How privileged you are, holding the secrets of countless narratives, as I confide in you with a heavy heart, baring my depressive tribulations.

I’m grateful for this opportunity to share my thoughts, even though they stem from a melancholic core. A query lingers in the recesses of my consciousness – what lies beyond this mortal coil? Do you escort our souls to realms unknown, or merely lead us to where our essence is sought after?

When, oh, when will you come for me? Please, I beseech you, not with a boisterous knock upon my door. Instead, in the quiet of night, approach me stealthily and present a packet of Little Heart or perhaps a ₹10 MilkyBar, as symbols of the innocence that once lingered in my life.

Utter those words softly, “It’s time, you must leave, my dear.” Promise me, dear Death, that you won’t be cruel. Spare me the agony that has woven itself into the fabric of my existence. My journey has been laden with the weight of sadness, yet moments of joy have been scarce, often found only in the comfort of my mother’s food.

You, my dear death, personify the unspoken truth, acknowledged by all, yet evaded and resisted. Your presence, a shadow cast upon the inevitable, is both feared and revered.

Dear Death,

I’m Ready 😊

Yes, I’m not doing well from the last few days. I don’t know why suicidal thoughts are overwhelming my mind. It’s to the extent that if I want to write a book, it would easily be 200 pages. I understand that negativity is not the solution, but I don’t know what to do, so I wrote down my heart’s thoughts.

They say life is full of crowds, but I don’t speak much.
Inside, I feel alone, that’s why there’s so much noise within.

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मेरी आत्महत्या की राहों में

November 23, 2023


मेरे ह्रदय की धडकनें बढ़ती जा रही हैं तेज,
खुद को खोने की राह में, मैं दीवारों की ओर बढ़ती जा रही हूँ।

ज़िंदगी के आयीने में दिखता हूँ मैं, बस तन्हा और बेसहारा,
खुद को खोकर, मैं अपने आप को फ़ना होते देखते जा रही हूँ।

मेरे सपनों की मशाल बुझ गई है, सन्नाटे में खो गई,
खुद को खोकर, मैं अपने आप को दुखों के समंदर में डूबोते जा रही हूँ।

ज़िंदगी के बगीचे में बस रह गई है मेरी किताब,
खुद को खोकर, मैं अपने आप को अँधेरे के घने जंगल में खोजते जा रही हूँ।

मेरे दिल की धड़कनें गहराईयों में गुम हो रही हैं,
खुद को खोकर, मैं अपने आप की आवाज़ से परे खोते जा रही हूँ।

ज़िंदगी के आगे हार गया हूँ मैं, बेखुदी में बस बिखर रही हूँ,
खुद को खोकर, मैं अपने आप को तोड़ते हुए देखते जा रही हूँ।

मेरी आत्महत्या की राहों में बस दर्द की छायाएँ बिखेर रही हैं,
खुद को खोकर, मैं अपने आप को विचलितता के अंधेरों में डूबोते जा रही हूँ।

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Yog Through Understanding The Three Modes Of Material Nature

November 22, 2023


Sri Krishna explains the nature of His material energy, which is the source of the body and its elements. Thus, it is the origin of both mind and matter

Material nature has three gunas sattva (goodness), rajas (passion) and tamas (ignorance). Since the body, mind and intellect are material in nature they are also possessed of these three gunas and the combination of these gunas forms the basis of one’s character. Peace, morality, goodness, calmness, etc. are the qualities of Sattvaguni people. People driven by passion have infinite desires and ambitions, they try to satisfy them and work towards worldly growth. However, those who are in Tama guna are gripped by laziness, excessive sleep, delusion, intoxication and other disorders. A spiritual man needs to deal with all these three very powerful forces of material nature. Once the soul is able to rise above these three gunas, it attains enlightenment. To be free from the clutches of these qualities, Sri Krishna told Arjuna a simple way. Which is to connect your mind with God. They say, since the Supreme Lord is unaffected by these three qualities. whoever fixes his mind on the Lord also rises from the material to the transcendental platform. Hearing this, Arjuna asks about the qualities of such beings who rise above these three qualities.

To answer Arjuna’s question, Lord Sri Krishna systematically described in detail the qualities of liberated souls. He explains that, even when he sees the gunas playing out in the material world, he

is not disturbed and remains in equanimity. They can see the effects of qualities manifested in situations, objects and persons. They understand that everything is a manifestation of God’s energy, and that ultimately, everything is under their control. Therefore He remains unaffected by worldly circumstances; He does not grieve in adversities or rejoice in victory and is established in Himself without wavering. In the end, Shri Krishna reiterates that the power of devotion has potential To help us overcome the influence of the three modes of gunas or material nature.

Here the three qualities of nature: sattva (pliability, balance of mind or wisdom), rajas (passion, circumstance or restlessness) and tamas (inertness or dullness) are described. The behavior of a person at any given time is determined by the influence of any of these qualities on him Sometimes an element is visible, and sometimes it appears silently or invisible. His attitude and form determine the quality of nature that is influencing his thought at that particular time. Verily, the soul which is based on all these qualities remains constant, stable and undisturbed. But anyone equates you with you because he identifies himself with his body and mind and is influenced by the trinity of nature Clarity should be increased if one wants to experience the imperishable nature and gain knowledge of the soul. Consciousness is increasing in a truthful environment by eating easily digestible, pure and public food. And in the company of attracted friends. Visualization leads to the birth of ultimate knowledge.

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Paradox of Love

November 21, 2023


In the shadows of closeness, a paradox unfolds,
Freedom echoes in the silent ache it holds.

Love, not in chains, but in solitude thrives,
For love that binds, in its grasp, connives.

Love is liberty, not a captive’s den,
Where ties are heavy, love withers then.

In the realm of freedom, taste the bitter sweet,
Discovering love, where sorrow and pain meet.

Embraced by solitude, a forlorn melody,
Love’s essence found in the depths of agony.

Chains of affection, a burden to bear,
In the weight of love, despair lingers in the air.

Yet, in the realm of freedom, where sorrows flee,
Unveils the truth — love in melancholy.

In the dance of shadows, a heart’s silent plea,
Love, a paradox, in pain finds its decree.

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Law of Love

November 20, 2023


In the realm of love, a law unfolds,
A truth profound, a story untold.
As hearts entwine, a cosmic dance,
The more love blooms, the greater the expanse.

A delicate thread, weaving through space,
Affection’s journey, an ethereal chase.
In the tapestry of emotions, love’s grandeur,
The greater the passion, the more profound the ardor.

Through the cosmos, love takes flight,
Embracing the stars, painting the night.
Yet paradoxical, as galaxies enhance,
The more love intensifies, the wider the romance.

In the vastness of affection, we find,
A boundless universe of the heart’s design.
Distance becomes the canvas, love’s sweet insistence,
For in the law of love, lies infinite existence.

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No Debate With Life

November 19, 2023


In silence, we dwell through life’s desolate space,
No point in arguing with destiny, it’s a futile chase.

Whispers of pain echo in the quiet abyss,
A melancholic tale, in the shadows, we reminisce.

Unspoken sorrows carve scars deep within,
No debate with life’s cruel whims, where do we begin?

The canvas of our existence painted in muted hues,
A symphony of sadness, a soul silently bruised.

Emotions entwined, a dance in the dark,
Battling the echoes, where hope leaves its mark.

In the silence, we age, burdened and worn,
No use challenging fate, in the desolate morn.

Life’s argument lost, a futile decree,
For what’s the gain in disputing with life’s decree?

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Mother’s Love

November 18, 2023


In life short or long, I crave no more,
As long as mother’s love, forever does pour.
Her presence, my solace, in moments so grand,
A bond unbroken, in life’s fleeting sand.

Through twists and turns, in joy and strife,
Her love, a compass, guiding my life.
No need for lengths of time profound,
As long as with mother, love is always found.

In her warmth, life’s truest delight,
Glowing like stars in the darkest night.
Life’s length matters not, you see,
As long as I’m cradled in maternal glee.

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Life’s not a street

November 17, 2023


Hold on to any hand you find, a lifelong bond to bind,
For life’s a journey, paths unkind.

In the dance of time, we seek the sign,
A hand to grasp, a love divine.

Through twists and turns, our fates align,
In the tapestry of life, our stories entwine.

No road’s a breeze, challenges consign,
Yet, in shared hands, strength we find.

With each step, a shared design,
Life’s not a street, it’s a grand lifeline.

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Let’s Exchange Love

November 16, 2023


In the garden of passion, let’s exchange love,
Whispers of desire, like moans from above.
Under moons’ tender gaze, our souls entwine,
An intimate dance, where sensations align.

Caresses that echo, like a soft evening breeze,
In the language of touch, our secrets appease.
Each sigh and every shiver, a silent decree,
In the symphony of love, let our hearts roam free.

Moans and moons serenade our clandestine night,
A dance of bodies, bathed in the pale moonlight.
In the realm of desire, where fantasies weave,
Let’s exchange love, in moments our spirits believe

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मैं हूँ ख़ूबसूरत…..!!!!

November 15, 2023


दिल की धड़कनों में छुपा दिलचस्प राज है,
मैं ख़ूबसूरत नहीं हूँ, ये सच मेरा हौसला है।

तेरी मुस्कान की मिठास से है सारा जहाँ रंगीन,
तुम प्रेम करते हो, मैं तेरे रग-रग में हूँ बसी।

रात की चाँदनी, दिन की रौशनी में,
तेरी बातों में है वो मिठास, वो मेरी ज़िन्दगी का एक हिस्सा।

जाने कैसे तूने बदला मेरा नज़रिया,
मैं ख़ूबसूरत नहीं हूँ, पर तू मेरी ज़िन्दगी का बहुत ख़ास है।

आँखों में छुपा एक ख्वाब है तेरा,
तुम्हारे प्यार में ही मेरी राह है सवेरा।

जब से मिली हूँ तुझसे, रही हूँ बस मैं,
तेरे इस प्रेम में, मैं हूँ ख़ूबसूरत, बिल्कुल साफ मैं।

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Every inch of me

November 14, 2023


Come, lose yourself in me,
Never distant, come closer, let it be.

Display your artistry, paint me in hues,
Every inch of me, in vibrant greens and blues.

In the sparkle of stars, the night gently fades,
Your smile transforms, my life cascades.

Secrets unfold on this bed’s narrative,
In your arms, distances we forgive.

Under the moon’s glow, our tales entwine,
Moments gold in this silvery design.

The intoxication of your words, a sweet allure,
This moment is ours, anticipation pure.

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Morning Cuddles of Love

November 13, 2023


In the winter’s tender dawn, a cozy haven we create,
Upon the morning bed, where love and warmth elate.

Soft whispers of the chilly breeze, a gentle lover’s touch,
Cuddling close, entwined, our love, it means so much.

Blankets woven with affection, a cocoon so divine,
In each other’s arms, where winter’s chills decline.

Fingers trace the lines of dreams upon your skin,
As dawn paints the world outside, our souls within.

The sun peeks through the curtains, casting a golden glow,
But our world is in the warmth, the love we both know.

Embraced in silent symphony, the winter melody weaves,
Cuddling on this canvas, where only love perceives.

Mornings wrapped in tenderness, in your arms I find,
A sanctuary of love, where our hearts entwined.

So, in this winter’s dawn, our love’s story unfolds,
Cuddled in affection, as a tale of warmth it holds.

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Diwali Illuminations

November 12, 2023


In the glow of homes and hearts, let’s embark on a Diwali anew,
Sparkling streets and squares await, it’s time our inner lamps we strew.

The time is ripe for hearts so clean, to light a beacon bright,
Amidst the glittering gala, let’s keep our soul’s flame alight.

Life’s hustle, the city’s bustle, take a moment, a pause,
With loved ones by our side, time spent is life’s true cause.

Worship the goddess of wealth, let prosperity be our aim,
Invoke the goddess of wisdom, for intellect in life’s game.

If a friend’s lamp flickers, help it glow, lend a helping hand,
Illuminate joy, spread delight, let happiness expand.

Beyond religions we uphold, in the spirit of humankind,
This Diwali, let’s foster unity, leaving prejudices behind.

If a life’s lamp dims low, reignite the flame of cheer,
Spread the light of joy, love, and hope, let humanity draw near.

So, let’s weave a tale of Diwali, a narrative so bright,
Where compassion triumphs, and kindness takes its flight.

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A Woman’s Spirit

November 11, 2023


In the shadowed whispers of society’s decree,
One Tulsi shunned, deemed impure, yet free.
A sacred cycle, a woman’s gentle flow,
Yet judgment rains, emotions in tow.

For four to six, a stigma draped in shame,
A hushed narrative, a silence to reclaim.
Oh, Tulsi, pure in nature’s rhythmic dance,
Yet bound by norms, denied her chance.

Menstruation, a symphony of pain,
Yet deeper troubles, society’s disdain.
In the quietude, where judgments grow,
A woman’s strength, a resilient glow.

Can’t touch another, a decree unjust,
Yet within the struggle, resilience thrust.
Beyond the veil of societal chains,
A woman’s spirit, forever remains.

In the rhythm of her cycles, life unfolds,
A poignant tale, in red hues, it’s told.
Oh, Tulsi, resilient in your grace,
Breaking chains, with each embrace.

For menstrual woes, a societal spin,
Yet within the crimson tide, strength within.
Let the stigma crumble, let judgment flee,
Embrace the essence of feminine glee.

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मुझे फर्क नही पड़ता…..!!!!

November 10, 2023


मुझे फर्क नही पड़ता कोई साथ दे या ना दे,
अब तो आदत सी हो गई है अकेलेपन की।

दिल की दहलीज़ पर खड़ी ये ख्वाहिश है,
तारीक रातों में भी सितारों की आस की।

सफर का हर मोड़ अब मेरे साथ हो या न हो,
मैंने खुद को पाया है, यही मेरा रास्ता है।

चुपके से रात का जादू हो गया मेरे दिल में,
सितारों के साथ बिताना अब मेरी जिंदगी का सफर।

रूखे दिनों के बावजूद, मैं हसरतों से भरा हूँ,
एक अजनबी सफर पर, मैं अकेला नही हूँ।

जीवन की गर्मियों में और सर्दियों के सर्द पनों में,
मेरी ज़िन्दगी की कश्ती तैर रही है तन्हाई के साथ।

हर रोज़ मेरे दिल के किताबों में बदलते हैं पन्ने,
कोई नयी राह तलाशता है और कोई नए सपने।

फिर भी, मुझे फर्क नही पड़ता कोई साथ दे या ना दे,
अब तो आदत सी हो गई है अकेलेपन की।

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A Journey of Wisdom and Love

November 9, 2023


In endless cycles, countless lives we roam,
In quest of wisdom, searching for our home.
Through trials and tribulations, we’re led,
To the truth that lies in Vasudeva’s thread.

The wise, the seekers, with hearts aglow,
Discover Vasudeva in the ebb and flow.
In the whispers of leaves and the sun’s soft rays,
In every moment, His presence sways.

Mahatmas rare, in their knowing, stand tall,
In every creature, they see the Lord enthral.
From birth to birth, they persevere,
In Vasudeva’s oneness, they find what’s clear.

A truth so vast, no language can contain,
In Vasudeva’s love, they lose and gain.
Their path, a winding, perilous trail,
Their unwavering faith will always prevail.

Within their hearts, secrets tightly held,
In Vasudeva’s mysteries, they’re compelled.
In a world of illusions, they see the divine,
In Vasudeva’s embrace, they peacefully recline.

In this grand cosmic dance, they take their place,
Guided by Vasudeva’s loving grace.
To the world, they’re a beacon of light,
In Vasudeva’s love, they take their flight.

So seek the knowledge, don’t waver, be true,
In Vasudeva’s oneness, find the real you.
In this wisdom profound, a soul’s rebirth,
Mahatmas wander this sacred Earth.

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Truth & Bliss Divine….!!!!

November 8, 2023


In the realm of truth and bliss divine,
Where the universe’s origins entwine,
With threefold fires ablaze, we find,
In Lord Krishna’s grace, our souls aligned.

His form, the embodiment of pure delight,
Guiding us through day and starry night,
To quell life’s woes, our inner sight,
In Krishna’s love, we take our flight.

With every word and loving glance,
He leads us in a joyous dance,
From fear and suffering’s dark expanse,
To the divine, we advance.

In Krishna’s embrace, we discover the way,
To eternal love, forever to stay,
As dawning light removes the gray,
In His name, we find our day.

So, let our hearts in harmony sing,
To Krishna, our eternal King,
In His love, our spirits take wing,
In His grace, our souls take spring.

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My Dearest November,

November 7, 2023


My Dearest November,

As your cool embrace settles in, I’m filled with anticipation and gratitude. You arrive like a long-lost love, bringing a nostalgic warmth to the crisp air. The rustling leaves and the scent of bonfires awaken memories of cozy moments spent together.

In your tender arms, we find solace, the perfect excuse to snuggle closer, sharing tales of the past and dreams of the future. Your arrival reminds me of the beauty in change, for it’s the changing leaves that make this season enchanting, just like the evolving chapters of our lives.

November, you teach us that even in the midst of letting go, there’s a chance for new beginnings. Your fading daylight encourages us to find our own inner light and kindle the flames of our passions. With your arrival, we’re reminded that even in the midst of change, there’s beauty and grace.

As we embark on this journey through your days, I’m inspired by your ability to inspire, to spark our creativity, and to encourage us to cherish every moment. You, dear November, are a reminder that we have the power to create something beautiful even in the face of adversity.

So, let’s make a promise to each other this November, my dearest. Let’s savor each day, embrace the cold with warmth in our hearts, and continue to write our story with love, passion, and determination. Together, we’ll make this month unforgettable.

With Love and Anticipation

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अंधेरों में डूबता जा रहा हूँ……!!!

November 6, 2023


मुझे देखी हुई लगती है दुनिया,
ये सब मंज़र मिरी हैरत से कम हैं।

आसमान के तारे चमकते हैं ऊपर,
जबकि मेरे अंदर की रातें काली हैं।

खुशियों का सफर ज़िंदगी लाता है,
पर मेरे दिल में तो दर्द की धड़कनें बसती हैं।

हंसती हुई चेहरों के पीछे छिपी हुई हकीकत,
मेरे आंखों में बस मायूसी और तन्हाई है।

ज़िंदगी की मिसालें और उम्मीदों की झील,
पर मेरे दिल में बस अँधेरा और खोखलापन है।

चलने की राहों में भटक रहा हूँ,
हर क़दम पर मेरी दास्ताने मिलती हैं ख़राब।

ज़िंदगी की खुशियों से मेरा ताल्लुक टूट गया,
खुद को खो बैठा हूँ मैं, तन्हाई में दफ़ना हूँ मैं।

अब रातों में बस चुपके से रोता हूँ,
मेरी आवाज़ सिर्फ़ ख़ामोशी के दीवारों में बसती है।

ज़िंदगी के सपनों की रेखाएँ भटक रही हैं,
मेरे हाथों की बस खाली ज़िंदगी की क़र्ज़ बढ़ती जा रही है।

हर दिन नई चुनौतियों का सामना कर रहा हूँ,
मेरी आँखों में तो सिर्फ़ आँसू और हार की झलक है।

खुद को खोकर बस आवाज़ के रिश्तों में बसा हूँ,
मेरे दिल में तो सिर्फ़ अँधेरे और तन्हाई ही है।

ज़िंदगी के जंगल में ख़ो गया हूँ मैं,
बिना किसी दिशा के, बिना किसी मंज़िल के, बस चलता जा रहा हूँ मैं।

खुद को खोकर बस अपने सवालों में खो गया हूँ,
मेरी ख़ोज में तो सिर्फ़ आवाज़ की गहराईयों की छायाएँ हैं।

ज़िंदगी की तनहाईयों में डूब रहा हूँ,
मेरे आस-पास तो ख़ामोशी ही है, बस ख़ुद के साथ दिल बेकारार बैठा हूँ।

ज़िंदगी के गहराईयों में खो गया हूँ मैं,
अपने सवालों की आवाज़ सुनते हुए, बस समय की धारा में बहता जा रहा हूँ।

मेरी आखों के सामने बस आते हैं बुरे ख्वाब,
खुद को खोने की ख़तरनाक सीरी मेरे पास है अब।

ज़िंदगी की राहों में, खो गई मेरी माया,
खुद को खोकर मैं बस आत्म-विनाश की राह में बढ़ता जा रहा हूँ मैं।

मेरी दिल की धड़कनों में छुपी है ज़िन्दगी की सब दुखद कहानियाँ,
खुद को खोकर मैं बस आत्महत्या की राहों में धीरे-धीरे डूबता जा रहा हूँ मैं।

ज़िंदगी के सफर में, बसती है दर्दों की छायाएँ,
खुद को खोकर मैं बस आत्म-नाश की राहों में पिघलता जा रहा हूँ मैं।

मेरी आँखों के आगे बस यादें और तन्हाई,
खुद को खोकर मैं बस आत्म-हत्या की राहों में गुम हो रहा हूँ मैं।

ज़िंदगी की मोतीली राहों में चलता रहा हूँ,
खुद को खोकर मैं बस अपने दर्दों की गाथाएँ गाता जा रहा हूँ मैं।

मेरी आवाज़ की धड़कन में बसी है मेरी आत्महत्या की कहानी,
खुद को खोकर मैं बस आख़िरी अध्याय में पहुँच रहा हूँ मैं।

मेरे ह्रदय की धडकनें बढ़ती जा रही हैं तेज,
खुद को खोने की राह में, मैं दीवारों की ओर बढ़ता जा रहा हूँ।

ज़िंदगी के आयीने में दिखता हूँ मैं, बस तन्हा और बेसहारा,
खुद को खोकर, मैं अपने आप को हर रोज़ फ़ना होते हुए देखता जा रहा हूँ।

मेरे सपनों की मशाल बुझ गई है, सन्नाटे में खो गई,
खुद को खोकर, मैं अपने आप को दुखों के समंदर में डूबता जा रहा हूँ।

ज़िंदगी के बगीचे में बस रह गई है मेरी किताब,
खुद को खोकर, मैं अपने आप को अँधेरे के घने जंगल में खोजता जा रहा हूँ।

मेरे दिल की धड़कनें गहराईयों में गुम हो रही हैं,
खुद को खोकर, मैं अपने आप को ख़ुद की आवाज़ से परे खोता जा रहा हूँ।

ज़िंदगी के आगे हार गया हूँ मैं, बेखुदी में बस बिखर रहा हूँ,
खुद को खोकर, मैं अपने आप को तोड़ते हुए देखता जा रहा हूँ।

मेरी आत्महत्या की राहों में बस दर्द की छायाएँ बिखर रही हैं,
खुद को खोकर, मैं अपने आप को विचलितता के अंधेरों में डूबता जा रहा हूँ।

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मेरी अद्भुत मधुशाला…..!!!!

November 5, 2023


चाय की प्याली में बैठी हूँ मैं,
टूटे दिल का दर्द छुपाया है इसमें।

हर घूंट में जैसे छुपा एक राज है,
वैसे ही गालिब, मेरे जीवन की साज है।

कभी चाय की गर्मी से पिघलती हूँ,
कभी उसके मीठे अहसास में सिमटती हूँ।

जब दिल टूटता है, जब दुनिया रूठती है,
चाय मेरी सहारा, गालिब मेरी मित्रता है।

उस मधुशाला में नहीं जिसे तलाशता जग है,
मेरे लिए तो चाय ही मेरी अद्भुत मधुशाला है।

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Yog Through Distinguishing The Field & The Knower Of The Field

November 4, 2023


Sri Krishna has introduced two words – Kshetra and Kshetragya (Knower of the field). In simple words, the field’ can be considered as the body and the soul as the ‘knower of the field’ However the field is actually much more than just the physical body – it includes the mind, intellect, ego and all the other components of physical energy that are part of our personality In broad terms all physical aspects of our entire personality are considered except the soul which is the ‘knower of the field the ‘field’ of the body.

When a farmer sows paddy in his field, he can harvest only paddy and not wheat or maize from that field Similarly, the good or bad thoughts and deeds we sow in our field is our body, we reap the result of that. “All that we are is the result of what we have thought, it is based on our thoughts and it is made of our thoughts.” Thus we become what we think. The great American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson said: The progenitor of every action is a thought.” Therefore it is necessary that we develop proper thoughts and actions in the field of our body. For this we need to be able to differentiate between field and field.

Shri Krishna gives a detailed analysis of these two aspects of human existence. He begins by enumerating the physical elements that surround the sphere, the sphere of the human body. They call the feelings etc arising in this area (body) synonymous and the virtues and virtues purify the area and illuminate it with knowledge This knowledge helps us to realize and understand the existence of our soul which is Kshetragya or the knower of the field. Sn Krishna then begins to describe the Lord who is the supreme knower of the spheres of all living beings. He says that the Supreme Lord has opposite qualities at the same time which seem to be contradictory. Understand that God is omnipresent in His creation, yet He resides in the heart of every living being. Thus he is divine.

After describing the Supersoul, the soul and the material nature of the living entities, Sri Krishna explains which of these are responsible for their actions. Also who is responsible for cause and effect in the universe at large. One who understands these differences and identifies the true causes of actions, is the seer of the Absolute Truth and is situated in knowledge. He does not degrade himself with the illusions of his mind and experiences the presence of the Supreme Lord in every living being. In the same material nature. He is able to identify different types of living entities and sees all existence as pervaded by a common spiritual basis By this knowledge they attain the consciousness of Brahman or God-realization.
The plan is that the body is a battlefield and the soul is a warrior who is the knowledge and awareness of this battlefield. The body, the heart and the world are the battlefield and the warrior is one who is aware of this battlefield, has divine power, and is the witness. You are not the body, not the heart, not the mind, but you are the one who has the knowledge of all these activities.

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Essence of Life….!!!!

November 03, 2023


In the realm of life, where souls reside,
Eternal fragments of the cosmic tide,
Krishna’s essence, in every being found,
In the temple’s bell, in nature’s sound.

Does He not dwell in the call to prayer?
In the sacred hymns that fill the air?
The cobbler’s humble, honest trade,
By Krishna’s grace, a life well-made.

Why let prejudice and judgments blind,
When Krishna’s presence unites humankind?
For He’s the self in all that breathes,
Infinite souls, the web that weaves.

No blade can sever the soul’s true essence,
Nor flames consume its divine presence,
Water can’t dampen its eternal fire,
Air can’t extinguish the soul’s desire.

In the battlefield of life, we stand,
Holding Krishna’s hand, a divine hand.
He is the truth, the eternal guide,
In every heart, His presence doth reside.

So, let go of fear, doubt, and despair,
For Krishna’s love is always there.
In the sacred verses, His wisdom flows,
In every soul, His eternal presence shows.

In the depth of night or morning’s grace,
Krishna’s love in every face we trace.
In the unity of hearts, we find,
The essence of Krishna’s eternal bind.

For He’s the thread that ties us all,
In His embrace, we shall not fall.
Krishna, the source of boundless love,
Guiding us from the realms above.

In the language of the heart, we speak,
In Krishna’s love, our souls we seek.
In the symphony of life, we play our part,
Bound by Krishna, soul to soul, heart to heart.

So, let prejudice and judgment fade away,
In Krishna’s love, together we shall sway.
With trust in Him, our journey’s true,
In Krishna’s presence, our spirits renew.

Let the essence of Gita’s wisdom be our guide,
In Krishna’s love, our souls shall reside,
For He’s the one, the eternal source,
Binding us all in an endless force.

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चांद और फूल दोनों ही ले आया हूं

November 2, 2023


चांद और फूल दोनों ही ले आया हूं,
तुम भी कोई रास्ता निकालो ना मिलने का।

रात के आसमान में चाँद चमकता,
फूलों की महक सुरीला गीत बजता।

प्यार की राहों में दूर कहीं छुपा हूं,
मिलने का सपना हर पल दिल में लिपटा हूं।

कठिनाइयों से भरपूर यह सफर है,
मगर दिल की आवाज़ मैं तुमसे पुकार हूं।

चांद की रौशनी और फूलों की सुगंध,
तुम्हारी यादों में है सब कुछ अब तक।

तुम भी इस सफर पर निकलो ना अब,
क्योंकि अब मिलने का समय है, वो रास्ता यही।

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The Yog Of Devotion

November 1, 2023


The Yog Of Devotion

Arjuna asks Krishna about the two types of yogis and which of them he considers perfect. Those who worship the formless Brahman or those who are devoted to the corporeal form of the Lord Sri Krishna declares that the devotee can attain Him through both the paths. However. He considers those who worship His corporeal form to be the best yogis. In this short chapter of 201 verses, Sri Krishna emphasizes that the path of devotion is the highest of all spiritual practices.

He then explains to Arjuna that it is difficult to meditate on the unmanifest form of God. That’s why the path of worshiping the formless is full of hardships for the souls kept nearby. On the other hand, devotees who worship His corporeal form dedicate all their actions to Him. And by consciously devoting their mind and intellect they attain it. Such souls soon become free from the cycle of life and death. Therefore Shri Krishna asked Arjuna to shed all doubts and surrender his intellect only with devotion to the Lord.

Sri Krishna says that such love for God does not come naturally to struggling souls. Devotion is not some mystical gift that one can get. Its cultivation requires continuous efforts. Sri Krishna tells Arjuna that if he cannot concentrate his mind completely on the Lord, then he should try to do all his work with devotion to the Lord. And with constant practice he will reach perfection If Arjuna cannot do even this, then he should work for the pleasure of Shri Krishna. And if he finds this too difficult, he should give up the fruits of all his actions and be situated in himself.

Shri Krishna further explains that the cultivation of knowledge is higher than mechanical practice and meditation is higher than knowledge. However better than meditation is the renunciation of the fruits of action because it immediately leads to great peace. The remainder of this chapter describes all the wonderful qualities of the dear devotees of the Lord who are so dear to Him.

The importance of two types of devotion has been explained in this chapter, one is the worship of the Saguna God and the other is the realization of the unmanifest element. Along with that the nature of God’s love towards your devotee has also been revealed here.

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Yog Through Beholding The Cosmic Form Of God

October 31, 2023


Yog Through Beholding The Cosmic Form Of God

Shri Krishna described His divine opulences (aishwarya) in the previous chapter to nurture and intensify Arjuna’s devotion. In the end, he mentioned that all beauty, glory and power are just a spark of his infinite splendor. Arjun was curious to hear this

In this chapter, he requests the Lord to show his Vishvarupa or infinite cosmic form.

Sri Krishna granted Arjuna the divine vision to see his infinite form which includes all the universes. Arjuna sees the entire creation in the body of the God of Gods with unlimited arms, faces and stomachs. It has no beginning or end and is infinitely expansive in all directions. His effulgence is like a thousand suns blazing together in the sky. The sight dazzles Arjuna and gives him, goosebumps. He sees that the three worlds are trembling in fear of God’s laws and the gods are taking refuge in him. There one can see many saints praying and singing hymns praising the Lord Then Arjuna sees the Kauravas with their allies running into the mouth of this formidable form, who nush like kites towards the fire to perish with great ferocity.

Seeing this great form, Arjuna admits that his heart and mind are shaken by fear. Although intimidated by the form, Arjuna wanted to know the identity of this breathing form of the Lord, who had no relation to his teacher and friend Sri Krishna The Lord declared that He in the form of Kaal is the destroyer of the three worlds. He has already destroyed the Kaurava warriors and the victory of the Pandavas is certain. So Arjuna should not be afraid anymore. He should just get up and fight.

Overwhelmed, Arjuna begins to praise the Lord who pervades the entire universe in His infinite forms and bows down to His majestic form many times. He apologizes to Shri Krishna for any offense or acts of disrespect that he may have committed in ignorance considering Him to be only a human. Arjuna then pleads with the lord for his grace and requests him to assume a happy form.

Shri Krishna then appears in his quadrilateral form. Each arm holds mace, disc, conch shell and lotus flower. Soon after that he resumes his gentle and loving two-armed form of the charming Shri Krishna, He then tells Arjuna that before him no one has seen the Lord in this ancient cosmic form. Those who study Vedas, do severe penance, do charity or havari etc., they also do not get this opportunity Only by undivided devotion like that of Arjuna can one see God, know Him, and attain yoga or union with Him.

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Yog Through Appreciation Of The Infinite Opulence Of The Lord

October 30, 2023


Yog Through Appreciation Of The Infinite Opulence Of The Lord

Shri Krishna wants to increase the devotion of Arjuna by describing his infinite splendor and opulence. Poems are not only enjoyable to read but also adorable to listen to. He helps Arjuna to meditate on the Lord by showing him His magnificence.

Lord Krishna reveals that He is the source of all that exists, Seven great sages, four great sages and fourteen Manus were bom from his mind All the people of this world were his descendants Various extraordinary qualities in human beings also arise from them. Those devotees who know this, with great devotion, remain engrossed in their devotion. They get immense satisfaction by talking about His glory and also help others to know about Him. The Lord resides in the heart of such devotees whose mind is always fixed on Him, He then bestows upon them His transcendental knowledge, through which they can attain God- realization.

Arjuna is now fully convinced that Shri Krishna is the Supreme Divine Personality and requests Him to describe His transcendental glories which are like divine nectar. Shri Krishna then reveals that everything that exists is a manifestation of His energies. He is the beginning, middle and end of all. All beings and things derive their radiance from him. He is the power center of splendor and an infinite storehouse of knowledge, power, beauty and glory Whatever catches our fancy and fills us with joy is nothing but a tiny spark of His majesty.

The rest of the chapter describes the personalities, objects and activities that best display his magnificence. Shri Krishna finally says that the magnitude of His glory cannot be described in words. for He holds the infinite universes within a fraction of His existence Since the Lord is the source of all splendor and glory, we should make Him the object of our devotion.

“O Arjunal What is the use of you acquiring such detailed knowledge? I pervade this entire universe with a fraction of My manifested divine energy. Therefore you should understand Me through the basics of spirituality.”

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Yog Via King Of Science

October 29, 2023


Yog Via King Of Science

Lord Sri Krishna declared that devotion is the highest among all. yet the simplest path to attain yoga, or union with the Supreme. In this chapter, he reveals his supreme glory which inspires reverence, devotion and awe. Although Shri Krishna is standing in front of Arjuna in a corporeal form, he should not make the mistake of assuming a human personality.

In the beginning of creation, the Supreme Lord creates innumerable living entities by His material energy. And at the time- of dissolution, He absorbs them back into Himself and manifests them again in the next cycle of creation. The mighty winds that blaw everywhere, yet always remain within the sky All living beings reside within the Lord. However, He is always aloof from all these activities as a neutral observer by His divine Yogmaya Shakti. This knowledge of the self is the science and secret of kings. It is supreme, purifying, spontaneous, true to duty. pleasurable to perform and irreversible.

All other types of knowledge are good, but knowledge of self is the king of all-pervading knowledge. The art of government is the highest of all existing laws and of all knowledge the knowledge of Brahman is the best. The art of government is not a bad thing in Itself, but when selfish and mean people enter politics, the altruistic philosophy behind politics is lost. If the king rules the nation keeping in mind the interest of religion and society, then politics serves its real purpose, otherwise it becomes just a fight for power if there is true spirit in the politics of the country, then its effect can be easily seen in the people of the society. Similarly this knowledge of the Self is mysterious, pure, clearly fruitful and easy to obtain.

To resolve the apparent confusion of Hindu deities, Shri Krishna explains that there is only one God who deserves sole worship. He is the true friend, support, refuge and ultimate goal for all beings. Therefore souls who are engaged in unalloyed devotional service to the Supreme Lord go to His abode and reside there. Those affected by the rituals described in the Vedas also attain heaven. However, when their merit is exhausted, they must return to Earth. By saying this, Sri Krishna expounds the superiority of pure devotion directed towards Him alone. Such a devotee lives completely in harmony with the will of the Lord, does everything for Him and offers everything to Him. His pure devotion helps the devotees to attain mystical union with the Lord and frees them from the bondage of karma.

Sri Krishna claims that he is fair to all beings; he neither favors nor despises anyone. Even if petty sinners come under his shelter, he willingly accepts them and very quickly makes them pure and virtuous Shri Krishna then says that He resides within His devotees and will not allow them to be destroyed. He protects what they have and gives what they do not have. Therefore we should dedicate our mind and body to Him, worship Him, always think of Him and make Him our supreme goal.

Dedicate everything you do to the all-pervading God with devotion, and you too will become God.

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The Yog Of The Eternal God

October 28, 2023


The Yog Of The Eternal God

Explaining the fact that everything in this world is perishable except God, the questions related to Brahman, Adhyatma and Karma are answered in this chapter.
It is said here that the thought that arises clearly and deeply in the mind at the time of death, the same thought controls the circumstances of the next life. The spiritual knowledge gained in this life is carried forward to the next life after waking up from the deep sleep of death. The end of this birth is the beginning of another birth. So do all your daily activities keeping death in mind. Everything else is indeterminate but death is certain. Every day as the sun sets man loses another day of his life. Each day is lost without knowing the Supreme Reality.

Sri Krishna briefly describes several important concepts and terms that the Upanishads elaborate on. He also explains what determines the destination of the soul after death. He says that if we remember God at the time of death, we can surely attain Him So we should make it a practice to always think of God along with doing our daily tasks. We can do this by thinking about their qualities etc. Continuous yogic meditation on the Lord by chanting His names is also a good practice. Through unalloyed devotion. when our mind is completely absorbed in Him, we are elevated from the material dimension to the spiritual realm.

Shri Krishna then talks about the different abodes in the material realm and the cycle of creation. He further explains how innumerable beings appear in these dhamas and how everything is absorbed back into them at the time of dissolution. The divine abode of God, however, is untouched by this cycle of creation and dissolution. Those who proceed on the path of light eventually reach the divine abode and never retum to the material world Whereas those fallen souls who follow the path of darkness are constantly transmigrated in the cycle of birth, old age, disease and death.

Sri Krishna says,
“O Arjuna ! Fix your mind at every moment of your life, that is, practice constantly to attain Me.”

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Yog Through The Realization Of Divine Knowledge

October 27, 2023


Yog Through The Realization Of Divine Knowledge

Describing the experience of true knowledge and the cause of everything as the omnipresent God. Shri Krishna says,

“O Arjuna! Nothing exists apart from Me The whole world is strung within Me, like pearls in a necklace’s string Those who are entangled in the material world do not know this real form of Me But the person who surrenders himself completely to Me and remembers Me regularly, he is able to attain that state which is beyond birth and death. Even if the solution is so simple, but by the magic of material pleasures Those whose minds have gone astray, indulge in demonic tendencies and corruption and petty activities, foolishly do not meditate upon me Like pearls strung on a single thread, all these energies have arisen from Him and rest in Him. The whole creation begins and merges in Him Although it is very difficult to conquer Maya, His material energy, yet those who take refuge in Him can easily overcome it by His grace.

He then describes the four types of people who engage in devotion to Him and the other four who do not surrender to Him. He says that those devotees who worship Him with knowledge by: absorbing their mind and intellect in Him, are most dear to Him. Nevertheless, some become enticed by material desires and surrender to the divine deities, who bestow them with temporary material prosperity. However, these celestial deities also derive their powers from the Supreme Lord. Therefore, the most deserving object of devotion is the Almighty God Himself.

Sn Krishna further affirms that He is the Absolute Truth and the Supreme Authority. He has many divine qualities like omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience However, His divine Yogamaya power hides His imperishable nature and etemal divine form. The devotees who take refuge in him and take refuge in him attain divine knowledge of the Supreme Lord, the self and the whole field of action.

Thus in this chapter the devotees of the Lord are praised and those of demonic nature are condemned. The fruits of prayer done for the fulfillment of material desires are perishable. Thus those involved in such worship are deprived of the pure bliss derived from true devotion.

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मैं कोई जिस्म का टुकड़ा नहीं हूँमेरे में भी आत्मा है

October 26, 2023


मैं कोई जिस्म का टुकड़ा नहीं हूँ
मेरे में भी आत्मा है

जिसे तुम सब प्रतिदिन नोचते हो
जिस वक्षस्थल से निकले दूध को पी कर आज तुम बड़े हुए हो
उसी वक्षस्थल को तुम आम, संतरा कह कर अपनी भूख मिटाना चाहते हो

पुरुषत्व की बात करोगे, मानवता की भी बात होगी
पर स्त्रीत्व का जिक्र तुम कब करोगे…?

सहनशीलता, संवेदना हममें भी है
दो प्यार के शब्द ग़र हम किसी से कह दें
तो क्यों हमारे चरित्र पे उंगली उठाते हो?

बिस्तर पर सोने का शौक हमें होता ना
तो तवायफों के मौहल्लों में सबसे पहला नाम हमारा होता
लेकिन सुनो
सच से मुँह मत मोड़ लो
मर्दों में ग़र हवस की आग ना होती
तो हर तवायफ किसी बच्चे की माँ जरूर होती
खैर तुम तो मर्द ठहरे
कृष्ण और गोपी के प्रेम को भी
शक के नज़र से देखते हो
तुम्हें दिव्य प्रेम कि दिव्यता के बारे क्या पता होगा भला?

आलिंगन , प्रेम, स्नेह, समर्पण, आदर, और सहानुभूति की भावनाओं व्यक्त करना होता है
ना कि नग्न होकर शारीरिक संबंध को दर्शाना

यार कैसे कहूँ मैं
मुझे तुम्हारे रुपये पैसे कि जरूरत नहीं है
और ना ही तुम्हें अपने जिस्म देने कि चाहत है
बस तुम मेरे साथ रहो ना
थोड़ी सी बातें सुन लिया करो
थोड़ा डाँट भी लिया करो
वक्त-बे-वक्त रूठ भी जाया करो
लेकिन ज्यादा देर नही ना, जल्द ही मान भी जाया करो

नज़र को नज़र लग जाए वो ताकत है सात्विक प्रेम में
तुम जाने की बात ना करो और ना आने की ही
बस हर हाल में साथ होने की बात महसुस करा दिया करो

अकेली हूँ यार, डरती हूँ मैं इन दरिंदों से
चरित्र पर ऊँगली उठाते हैं
फिर कपड़े भी उतार देते हैं
जानवर जंगल में अब नहीं होतें हैं
अपनों में ही वो भेडियों के रूप में नज़र आ जाते हैं

खिलौना नहीं हूँ मैं
चीख चीख के कहती हूँ मैं
जान है मुझमें, बेजान मत बनाओ मुझको
घुट घुट कर जीने पे क्यों आमादा करते हो मुझको

मैं भी स्त्री हूँ यार
कोई मांस का लोथला नहीं हूँ महज़,
जान मुझमें में भी है
महज़ जिस्म ही नहीं है मेरे पास

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The Yog Of Meditation

October 25, 2023


The Yog Of Meditation

The person who performs all his duties diligently without caring for the consequences is a person of renunciation and discipline in true spirit. not a person who performs Yagya or Yagya Karma and Karma All self-reflective persons who wish to be engrossed in spiritual union must act selflessly and thereafter the path of advancement is the renunciation of desires.

Let us continue with the comparative evaluation between the practice of spirituality while performing worldly duties and the practice of spirituality in a renunciation state. He reiterated that Karma Yoga is a more practical path than Karma Sanyasa. When performed with devotion, it purifies the mind and enhances spiritual realization. The mind then becomes quiet, and meditation becomes the primary means of progress.

Work must be done without any lust, but at the same time, peace with the soul and time should also be given to meditate on the conscience.

Sri Krishna says:-

“One must work to pull oneself out of the ocean of materialism and arrest one’s downfall, for one is one’s own friend and enemy In this way, the inspiration for self-progress has been given in this chapter Also, the qualities of an enlightened person are also described here. By explaining the importance and understanding of Sadhana, the superiority of a disciplined man in action has been mentioned Such a man is considered more dear to the Lord than scholars and renunciates and learned men

“Tasmat yogi bhavaḥ arjuna” O Arjuna, therefore be a man of disciplined action!

Yogis try to conquer the mind through meditation, as a trained mind is the best friend, an untrained mind can be the worst enemy for a spiritual aspirant. Sri Krishna cautions Arjuna that one cannot advance on the spiritual path by performing severe penance alone. Therefore, moderation should be maintained even in basic needs like food, sleep, work, entertainment etc.

Sri Krishna then explains yoga sadhana or sadhana for connecting the mind with God They say. Just as a lamp does not flicker in a windless place, similarly the seeker should practice keeping his mind fixed in meditation. They believe that it is difficult to control the mind, but it can be controlled by practice and dispassion Therefore, whenever it wanders, it needs to be brought back and focused on the Lord. The mind is then purified and established in the transcendental state or samadhi, which is a blissful state where one experiences infinite divine bliss.

Arjuna asks what happens to those spiritual aspirants who start their journey but do not reach their goal due to unsteady mind. Sri Krishna assures them that those who strive for God-realisation are capable of warding off evil God keeps an account of all our accumulated spiritual qualities of past lives and rekindles their intelligence in future lives. This way they can continue their journey from where they left off. And with the help of the merits acquired in his past lives, in his present life, the yogi moves swiftly towards the Lord.

The Lord then concludes this chapter with a declaration that one who strives to unite with the Lord is superior to the ascetic, the learned, the scholar and the performer of rituals. And the highest of all yogis is he who engages in the loving devotion of the Lord.

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मर्दाना कमज़ोरी की कहानीयों से रंगी हैं दीवारें

October 24, 2023


मर्दाना कमज़ोरी की कहानीयों से रंगी हैं दीवारें।
और तुम कहते हो औरतें कमजोर हैं!
कहानी की सच्चाई को छिपाने का खेल में,
दीवारों के पीछे छुपी असली शक्ति को दबाने में,
तुम भूल गये की वो हैं औरतें हीं हैं
जो दुनिया की आँच को सहने की रखतीं हैं महाशक्ति।
हर रोज़ नयी तक़़दीर बनाने की आवश्यकता,
और दरिया तरक़्क़ी की मिलान के खिलवाड़ में।
औरतें चूहों की तरह छुपी नहीं,
बल्कि सिंह कि तरह अपनी शान में उठकर बोलती हैं..
हम कमजोर नहीं, बल्कि हम सृजनात्मक शक्ति हैं!
जब जब हम गरजे हैं
हमारी आवाज़ हर कोने में गूंजीं है।
दुनिया को जरूरत है ये समझने की
हम हैं दृढ़ और निर्भीक भी।
हमारा संघर्ष है हमारी आज़ादी के खातिर।
दीवारों की छाया में जो छुपी हैं वो हैं बेहद ताक़तवर।
हम औरतों की मोहब्बत, निस्वार्थ,
आत्मविश्वास और त्याग की यादें,
इस जगह की तुम्हारी झुठी कहानीयों से
रंगी हुई दीवारों की छवि तोड़कर कर खुद को
दिखाती हैं।
और दहाड़ती हुई कहतीं हैं..
हम औरतें हैं मानवता की सबसे महत्वपूर्ण
और शक्तिशाली ताक़त।
तुम सब बात मेरी मान लो,
महिलाएँ पुरुषोच्च नहीं, सर्वोच्च हैं!

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The Yog Of Renunciation

October 23, 2023


The Yog Of Renunciation

This chapter talks about the difference between renunciation of action and discipline in action. These two paths may appear physically different but both lead to the same ultimate goal of true inner happiness, knowledge of the Supreme Soul, blissful bliss and peace. One who understands that both paths lead to the same destination, only he can see the truth. God neither approves nor disapproves of the actions of man, but it appears only as an illusion born of ignorance. One who has destroyed this layer of ignorance with the subtle knowledge of the true self is free from bondage.

Sri Krishna compares Karma Sanyasa Yoga (the path of renunciation of actions) with Karma Yoga (the path of action in devotion). He says: We can choose either, because both lead to the same destination. However, he explains that renunciation of kamma is rather challenging and can be performed flawlessly only by those whose minds are sufficiently pure. The mind can be purified only by doing work with devotion Therefore, Karma Yoga is a more suitable path for the majority of mankind.

Karmayogi with pure intelligence perform their worldly duties without attachment to the fruit. They dedicate all their work and its results to God. Just as a lotus leaf floating on water does not get wet, in the same way a Karmayogi remains unaffected by sin. They know. that the soul resides within the body which is like a city with nine gates. That’s why they consider themselves neither the doer nor the enjoyer of actions. Endowed with equanimity, he looks upon the Brahmin, the cow, the elephant, the dog and the dog-eater equally Such true learned men, situated in the Absolute Truth, develop the blameless qualities of God Ignorant worldly people do not understand that the pleasures they try to enjoy through their sense-objects are the cause of their suffering. However, Karmayogis derive no pleasure from such worldly pleasures, Instead, they enjoy the bliss of God, who lives within them.

Happiness and sorrow can trap only those who are trapped in external subjects. Those who are sure within themselves and outside, they know these happiness and sorrow to come and go and get etemal happiness. The happiness that never dies means the knowledge that lasts forever. Just as there is no interest in eating when the stomach is full, in the same way the outer cover can never distract the one who finds peace in his inner self.

Lord Shri Krishna then describes Karma Sanyasa Yoga or the path of renunciation. He says that Karma Sannyasis control their mind, intellect and senses by doing many austerities. By ceasing all their thoughts of external pleasures they become free from fear, desire and anger. And by including devotion to the Lord in all their austerities they attain long lasting peace.

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The Yog Of Knowledge & The Disciplines Of Action Summary

October 22, 2023


The Yog Of Knowledge & The

Disciplines Of Action Summary

To strengthen Arjuna’s belief in the knowledge that the knowledge of Jnana Yoga and Karma Yoga is imparting.
Shri Krishna describes its origin in this chapter He says, Arjuna, as you are my devotee and dear friend, I am revealing to you this supreme science of yoga. This is the same Sanatan Vidya which I had taught to the Sun God in the beginning. And the same knowledge, in continuous tradition, was passed on to the sage kings. Arjuna wonders how someone who is almost his age could have existed so many eons ago He asks Shri Krishna how is it possible that you gave this knowledge to Surya Dev and others so many years ago.

Shri Krishna clears Arjuna’s doubts and reveals the divine secret of his incamation. They say that although God is unbom and eternal, it is to establish Dharma (the path of righteousness) that He incarnates on this earth by His Yogamaya Shakti His birth and activities are divine and cannot be contaminated by material defects. Once a devotee learns this secret and engages in devotion with great faith, he attains God and is not born again in this world.

Whenever there is a decay of sacred duty and disorder prevails. I myself incarnate. I have incarnated many times and you have taken many births, I know them all but you do not remember them.

It is good to do one’s duty honestly, but at the same time one should aim at purity of heart and mind. If work is done with full dedication to God, then that work becomes the ultimate karma. The movement of Karma is very mysterious and confidential, therefore intelligent people become free from the bondage of Karma by understanding the subtle nature of Karma properly Detached action becomes sacrificial action Emphasizing on all the work done to attain this ultimate knowledge, Shri Krishna tells Arjuna,

One goes to the great men who have realized the true self to understand this ultimate knowledge. These great men will shower upon you the sacred knowledge of the true self if you humbly seek this knowledge from them, bowing before them with due respect. And serve him with a devoted heart. Nothing can purify your heart and mind more than this true knowledge Taking shelter of this knowledge, destroy the doubt bom of ignorance in your heart with the sword of wisdom, rise to battle with disciplined action and steady your mind.

Then Shri Krishna goes back to Karma Yoga, the subject of the previous chapter. He goes on to explain the nature of action and its three principles: kriya, akarma and virata kriya. He elaborated that the Karmayogi, even while doing the most attractive work. remains in a state of passivity and does not get entangled in the results of such work. Knowing this the ancient sages performed all their actions in the form of Yagya for the pleasure of the Lord. He was not affected by happiness, distress, success or failure Whatever spirit comes to me. I accept it in the same spirit Because every path follows me. Just as rivers flow straight or obliquely, in the end it has to be found in the sea, so no matter how someone sends me, I meet him in the same way. Just as there is a woman in a house, she is a mother, she is also a wife, she is also a sister, she is also a daughter-in-law, she is also a daughter, but children, husband, brother, mother-in-law, father treat her like that and have a relationship with her Let’s keep that woman receives the same and gives the same fruit. That’s why you follow my path by following me only.

He explains that when a yajna performed with proper knowledge and pure emotion is properly dedicated, its remains become like nectar. And by consuming such nectar, the devotee becomes free from all impurities. By riding on the boat of this eternal knowledge even the greatest of sinners can cross the ocean of material miseries.

Sri Krishna says that such knowledge should be obtained only from a real spiritual master who is God-realized himself. Sri Krishna, being his guru, instructed Arjuna with this sword of knowledge to cut off all doubts arising in his heart. He tells Arjuna to get up now and do his duty as a warrior.
This world is also a battlefield. Taking refuge in true knowledge, one who fights the enemies within and without becomes successful.

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The Yog Of Action Summary

October 21, 2023


The Yog Of Action Summary

O Nathji, my mind gets confused by your mixed teachings You sometimes say that intellect is better than action. Then you also preach to perform actions. I am often confused and many types of thoughts come, Lord you tell any one. So that my doubt is removed. My intelligence gets fascinated by many teachings and I go astray, so Nath ji solve my doubts by giving such advice which is suitable for me.

Shri Krishna says

Every body on this earth works, but by working they create bondage. Only a few who are inclined towards the great Guru perform disciplined actions and become one with the Supreme Merely being indifferent to the result of an action, Karma Yogis get the result of that action innumerable times from God. It was through non-attachment that the great king of India. Janak, realized his true nature.

We should do our work according to the scriptures. Whatever is our duty. It must be performed without worrying about its result.

Suraj Dada does his duty every day and that too without laziness.

If you leave your work even for a day or do not perform your duty? Earth, sky, moon everything is performing its duty then why are we not doing it? Even if a small child is sleepy and feels hungry, he too does his duty by calling out to his mother or crying, whether the mother listens to his call or not, whether his hunger is satisfied or not. And the biggest thing is that by not doing karma. our body cannot be maintained property. That’s why doing work is better than not doing work. Whatever the difference between doing and not doing, it is visible in front of us.

Knowledgeable great men like King Janak also attained supreme success due to action. That’s why it is best to do work for the protection of the world while looking at it. In spite of being a king, he performed his duty to educate the people and showed how the duty is to be performed. There was no need for Lord Krishna and Arjuna to fight in the Kurukshetra war, but they fought to teach the public that when good advice fails, violence becomes necessary in such a situation. So he performed his duty. And we should also keep on doing our work without any reason even after looking at the protection of this world.

In this world, scholars think a lot about knowledge and yogis are concerned with deeds. Still, there is no one who can escape from action Therefore akarma is not possible and spiritual success cannot be attained by giving up actions alone. Because the three gunas, Rajogun, Satvagun, Tamogun, generated by nature forcefully force the living beings to perform actions by their nature. Those foolish men who sit in meditation by forcefully controlling the serises of action, their mind keeps getting overwhelmed by the influence of the sense organs Because of the pretense, they appear to be meditative. They are hypocrites, that means worship cannot be done by giving up the deeds. One should keep doing the desired work and through knowledge, the mind and senses should be engaged in good deeds. The deeds done according to the scriptures are the best and if you do not do the deeds of the world, then how will you eat bread? For the pleasure of the Lord. one should perform one’s prescribed duties without attachment to the fruit.

Sri Krishna says All living beings are an integral part of God’s creation and have roles and responsibilities to fulfill. The Vedas prescribe sacrifices to please the celestial deities, who in turn provide material benefits. These sacrifices cause rain, which helps in the production of food grains for the sustenance of life on earth. Those who live only for the pleasure of their senses and do not accept their responsibility in this cycle are sinners and lead a wasted life. However, Shri Krishna states that when work or prescribed duties are performed as an obligation towards the Lord. they are also considered as Yagya.

He then explains that unlike the rest of mankind, enlightened souls. are not bound to fulfill their physical responsibilities. They are situated in the knowledge of themselves and perform the higher duties of the soul. For those who rejoice in themselves, who are enlightened in themselves and fully satisfied in themselves, there is no duty. However, they do not abandon their social duties as this may create resentment in the minds of the common people who look up to them for inspiration: Therefore, the wise keep on working without any personal motive only to set good examples for others to follow otherwise the ignorant may leave their assigned duties prematurely. Shri Krishna mentions one such example of the enlightened king Janaka, who performed his worldly duties as an ideal king and father.

Shri Krishna says that I have no duty in all the three worlds, nor do I have anything to gain or achieve. Nevertheless, I am engaged in the prescribed duties. If I do not carefully follow the prescribed duties, everyone will follow my path in every way if I stop doing the prescribed actions, then all these worlds will be destroyed, I will be responsible for the tumult that will prevail and thus destroy the peace of mankind. Wise people should not create discord in the intellect of ignorant people who are addicted to fruitive actions by motivating them to stop their actions. Rather they should inspire the ignorant to perform their assigned duties while performing their duties in an enlightened manner.

Those who follow these teachings of mine, with deep faith and free from envy, become free from the bondage of karma. But those who find fault with my teachings, who are devoid of wisdom and conscience, disregard these principles and bring about their own destruction. Arjun again asks Shri Krishna why people commit sins even when they don’t want to, as if by some force. Lord Krishna explains that lust is the all-devouring enemy of the sinner. Just as fire is covered with smoke, a mirror is covered with dust, and a fetus is covered with the womb, so desire covers knowledge and confuses the intellect. Finally, Krishna advises Arjuna that by controlling the senses, mind and intellect, one can kill this enemy called desire, which is an embodiment of sin. That is possible through practice.

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The Yog Of Analytical Knowledge

October 20, 2023


The Yog Of Analytical Knowledge

When Sri Krishna observed that Arjuna was refusing to fight due to materialistic attraction towards his loved ones, in the second chapter he advised Arjuna to leave his weakness of heart and get ready to fight in the battlefield. He used to remind Arjuna of his duties which he had forgotten due to his ignorance.

Shri Krishna says

O My Dear Prithandan Arjuna, how did this thought of cowardice come to you. You don’t get impotence. It is not fair for you means it is not fair for anyone. Throw away your small, inferior, visionary thoughts and get ready for war War is very necessary Prithandan. of what use is the petty weakness of the heart that you convert your powers into impotence. That’s why we should also get ready for war with ourselves by leaving our inferiority complex like Arjuna. The same success will kiss our feet.
childhood passed
the youth of youth is also passing
old age will also pass
Neither used to grieve in childhood
no youth exposure, and
nor by the dimness of old age
they say don’t they
Saw childhood laughing in the morning
afternoon youth
saw the aging of the evening
night end story
Why get bogged down in grief, sorrow and worry?
sure to die
carrying this body
childhood has passed yet you are there
youth has passed yet you remain
old age has passed yet you are there
but you can’t disappear
But for the sake of this life, O Lord, I cannot drink tears of
O son of Kunti, happiness does not last forever and sorrow also
does not last forever. Both of these are temporary. Like summer is
only for a while, similarly Shardi is also for a while. Both winter
and summer cannot last forever. Coming of seasons is good,
coming of sorrow is also good. You tolerate both, don’t you? Then,
having tolerated every lesson, continue to move forward.
If we had gone somewhere by plane, what kind of plane have we
We went for a trip sitting in the bus, so have we settled
If we sit at home, are we home?
Had we sat somewhere in the car, have we become the car?
If not then why understand
Own the vehicle of this body-like life
Don’t know when the car like body will leave you
keeps up with sleep
and make sure that
Neither was born in any time nor will be
Neither has anyone died in time nor will it happen
because it is unborn, eternal
like studying in science
energy cannot be created
nor can it be destroyed
the same module
you are energy
The energy in the form of soul is of divine form only.
every morning we
taking off old clothes
don’t wear new clothes
So why do we cry?
Are you happy?
no no….. stay normal
live as they are
and wear clothes everyday
But have we changed by changing clothes?
No isn’t it?
Exactly the same body we are considering as our own
she really likes clothes
changing bodies does not change our context of origin
As per the hard work in the job and demotion
Similarly, according to the deeds, the body is also received.
But bodies are clothes and the process of changing the clothes of
those who die
The death of the one who is born is certain. And the one who
dies, his birth is also certain. Just like when a seed is planted in
the soil, its sequence is fixed and then one day or the other, that
organization is also sure to be destroyed. Are the pictures that
were in childhood still there? No isn’t it? That lie has been
destroyed, so why do you mourn? No no Then why mourn the
birth and death of this body? It is certain. Sorrow begets sorrow
and knowledge begets joy. That’s why it is not the right thing to
mourn after all this is gone.
Everyone living in this material world acquires the knowledge of
stone, skunk, steel and iron, but here Krishna is not talking about
this knowledge. He is talking about gaining knowledge of God and
Truth; The perishable nature of the body and the creation of the
soul. He is telling how to follow your dharma and duties. Sri
Krishna says,
“That which is born will die, but the soul is neither born nor dies.
Then what is the reason to be unhappy? If you do not perform
your natural duty, do not follow your dharma. A Kshatriya (warrior)
As in a religion don’t fight in the war, your door will be ignored
which will be worse than death.
Therefore every human being should acquire the knowledge of the
imperishable soul by performing the natural duties assigned to him.
One who performs his duties faithfully and with effort, faithfully
realizing the fruits of action, he understands. Such a person
becomes free from the bondage of birth and death with time and
becomes a stable knowledgeable person. He realizes the highest

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सबसे बड़ी दिक्कत मैं ही हूँ

October 19, 2023


ज़िन्दगी में कोई दिक्कत नहीं है, हक़ीक़त में तो सबसे बड़ी दिक्कत मैं ही हूँ,
खुद को खोने की भारी आवश्यकता हूँ, दर्दों की उम्रदराज़ में बदली हुई शायरी मैं ही हूँ।

चीरते हैं आँसू मेरे आँखों को, बस बर्बादी की कहानी में,
खुद को खोकर, खो गई वो मुस्कान, खुद की मिटी हुई कहानी में।

रात की चादर में लिपटे अकेलापन की आवाज़,
खुद को खोने की ख़बर सुनाती है, दर्दों की भरी साज़।

ज़िन्दगी के राहों में बिखरी हुई मैं, खोकर अपनी ही पहचान,
खुद को खोने की मेरी क़हानी, दर्दों की उम्रदराज़ में उलझी बेमियादी धारा में।

दर्द की बुनाई बुन रहा हूँ, अपनी आत्मा के रास्तों में,
खुद को खोकर, बस रह गया हूँ, दर्दों के कारवाँ में अपने ही आवाज़ों में।

खुद को खोकर चल रहा हूँ, दर्दों के गहरे समुंदर में,
मृत्यु के आगे खुद को बेहलाने की कोशिश में उलझते ख्वाबों में।

दर्द की बिखरी राहों में खो गई मैं, खुद को खोकर वीरानों में,
खुद की खो गई कहानी से, दर्द के आंधीओं में तालाबों में।

ज़िन्दगी के आवाज़ में बसता हूँ, खुद को खोने की ख़बरों में,
खुद की मिटी हुई कहानी में, दर्दों की भरी सवारी की दुखद धाराओं में।

दर्द की मोतीली राहों में खो गई मैं, खुद को खोकर अपने आंखों की भीगी राहों में,
खुद की तलाश में खोते-खोते, बस गुम हो गई मैं, दर्दों की उम्रदराज़ सवारी में आधी राहों में।

ज़िन्दगी की उम्मीदों के धुंधले रास्तों में,
खुद को खोकर बस गुम हो गई मैं, दर्दों की मोतीली वादियों में।

खुद को खोकर अब मैं, बस बेहाल हुआ इस दुनिया की मेले में,
खुद की मिटी हुई कहानी में, दर्दों की छायाओं में डूबा वीरानों की दयालु मेहरबानी में।

ज़िन्दगी के दर्दों की कहानी, बस मेरे दिल की आवाज़ है,
खुद को खोकर बस रह गई हूँ, दर्दों के कारवाँ की बेदर्द मार्गदर्शिका में।

दर्द की राहों में खो गई हूँ, अपनी आत्मा की बेहलाव में,
खुद को खोकर बस रह गई हूँ, दर्दों के बसे ख़्वाबों में।

ज़िन्दगी की ताक़तों से हार गई हूँ, खुद को खोकर आत्मघाती राहों में,
खुद की बिखरी कहानी में, दर्दों के उस नादान रिश्तों की कहानी में।

मृत्यु के आगे खुद को बेहलाने की कोशिश में उलझते ख्वाबों में,
खुद को खोकर बस रह गई हूँ, दर्दों की उम्रदराज़ सवारी के भविष्य के सियाही रंगों में।

ज़िन्दगी के आवाज़ों से भरी हुई मैं, खुद को खोने की आवाज़ों में,
खुद की छवि से परे, दर्दों के सफर में बस बेताब आवाज़ों में।

दर्द के रास्तों में खो गई मैं, खुद को खोकर तड़पती राहों में,
खुद की रहस्यमयी मिसालों में, दर्दों के उम्रदराज़ सफर में।

ज़िन्दगी के बिछे हुए राहों में खो गई मैं, खुद को खोकर अपने ख्वाबों की मिटी माया में,
खुद की मिटी हुई कहानी से, दर्द के बिस्तर में भटकती तराज़ू में।

दर्द की मोतीली सड़कों में खो गई मैं, खुद को खोकर बस दुःखों की धारा में,
खुद की खो गई कहानी से, दर्दों के आवाज़ में बस गुम हो गई मैं।

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October 18, 2023


ईश्वरः सर्वभूतानां हृदेशेऽर्जुन तिष्ठति ।
भ्रामयन्सर्वभूतानि यन्त्रारूढानि मायया । । 18.61।।

The preaching of Lord Shri Krishna is clear and completely without doubt. It is said, remember me as God, that is, as the ruler of the whole world. God is the regulator and controller. All the events of the world can happen only in his presence, otherwise not. As the god of steam engine is steam without which the engine cannot move. God should not be remembered only in the human form of Sagunasakar I.e. Shakti. Like Kailashpati Shivji or Vaikunthavasi Vishnu or in the form of father in heaven. God is the inner being residing in the heart of the ghost. It can be recognized only in the heart. Just as the address of a person’s residence is told to meet a person in a huge metropolis, similarly here Lord Krishna is telling his local address, the word “heart” does not mean the physical part of the heart. The meaning of heart in philosophy is figurative, not literal. The mind full of divine qualities like love, compassion, perseverance, enthusiasm, affection, tenderness, forgiveness, generosity is called the heart. God is the source of consciousness and power who bestows His power on all living beings. All the living beings revolve around God in this way. Like puppets tied in someone’s hands play. Puppets have no strength, power or emotion of their own, whatever they appear to play is the power of the invisible hand that holds those puppets. From a transcendental point of view, God means Brahman in the form of consciousness. In relation to this Chaitanya, the non-living things like body, mind etc. are able to work. Otherwise matter itself has neither the power to act nor to know things. From this point of view, the meaning of this verse would be that in the presence of the soul in the form of consciousness, only the living beings move from place to place according to their nature. This fact has been stated here in such a way that God rotates the ghost with his maya. The second meaning of this verse will be as follows. The Supreme Soul in the form of consciousness manifested in the universal Maya is called God, who is omniscient and omnipotent. That God rotates all the living beings with his illusion, it means that that God gives fruits to all the living beings according to their deeds. The existence of individual beings is not possible without God. All living beings get the powers of action and knowledge from God only. In this way, the meaning of the metaphor used here becomes clear from the study of this verse by understanding the principles of Vedanta.

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Death of Loved One…..4

October 17, 2023


जातस्य हि ध्रुवो मृत्युर्धुव जन्म मृतस्य च ।

तस्मादपरिहार्येऽर्थे न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि । । 2.27।।

Materialist atheists hold the view that things do not come into existence without any prior cause. Theists accept the existence of a soul different from the body and say that the same soul takes many bodies in the view of development so that it can recognize the ultimate truth behind this visible world. One thing common to both the types of views is that both believe that life is a series of life-death.

Having understood the nature of life in this way, no wise mant should grieve over the continuous birth and death. Standing outside in the scorching heat of the sun in summer, if someone complains about the heat and brightness of the sun, then it is actually a sign of foolishness. Similarly, if someone complains about the changeable nature of life after attaining it, then it is an unforgivable foolishness.

Mourning for the above reason is a sign of your ignorance. The life of Shri Krishna gives the message of joy and enthusiasm. His life message is that crying is a sign of ignorance and laughing is a sign of wisdom. Keep smiling, in these two words the preaching of Shri Krishna can be described. That’s why when they see their friend in mourning, they get ready to protect him from grief and attachment and thus help him achieve the goal of life.

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Death of Loved One….3

October 16, 2023


अव्यक्तोऽयमचिन्त्योऽयमविकार्योऽयमुच्यते ।
तस्मादेवं विदित्वनं नानुशोचितुमर्हसि ।।2.25।।

The Lord explains more clearly the nature of the soul here. The truth has been tactfully indicated by the words used here. Among the unmanifested Panchamahabhutas, that which is most gross like the earth is known through the five sense organs. But as we reach the subtler element, it is known that it is not known in all the five ways. There is no smell in water and no juice in fire, then there is no form in air. In this way, the sky being subtle is not visible. Naturally, the cause of the sky too cannot be known by any of the senses. So we have to accept that it is unmanifested.
The object of the senses is said to be manifest. Therefore that which is beyond the senses is unmanifested. Although I cannot see or hear the tree in the seed of a tree, nor can I taste, touch or smell it, yet I know that this seed is the cause of the tree. In this situation it will be said that the tree in the seed is in an unmanifested state. In this way, the meaning of calling the soul unmanifest is that it is not a subject to be known by the senses. It has been explained in detail in the Upanishads that the soul, being the seer of all, cannot become an object of sight.
The unthinkable soul is not the subject of the senses, similarly, by saying that it is inconceivable here, it is shown that through the mind and intellect we cannot contemplate and think about the soul, as it is possible to think about other subjects. The reason for this is that both the mind and the intellect are inert in themselves. But being enlightened by the light of this living soul, they grasp other subjects. Now how will they be able to know their own original seer in subject form? A person who sees through a telescope cannot see himself because the same person cannot be both the seer and the seen. This is the meaning of the word Achintya. Therefore, by the words unmanifest and inconceivable, the soul should not be understood as a form of absence.
The corporeal substance consisting of unchangeable components is diffuse and changeable. No kind of disorder is possible in the formless soul. In this way Shri Krishna preaches to Arjuna that one should give up mouming after recognizing the soul in its pure form. A wise man does not consider himself to be the one who kills, nor does he consider himself to be the one who dies.

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Uncontrolled Mind….2

October 15, 2023


बन्धुरात्माऽऽत्मनस्तस्य येनात्मैवात्मना जितः।
अनात्मनस्तु शत्रुत्वे वर्तेतात्मैव शत्रुवत् ।।6.6।।

You are your friend and you are your enemy. It has been said that what are the characteristics of a man who is his friend and who is his enemy, so it is said that you are the friend of that soul, who has created a community of self-functioning body. You have brought the soul under your control, that is, the one who is Jitendriya. The one who did not control the soul in the form of a body (due to the effect of action) behaves in enmity towards him like an enemy. That is, just as the other enemy is the one who does harm to himself, in the same way he himself is engaged in doing harm to himself.

To the extent that the living entity renounces identification with the body, mind and intellect, to that extent he is influenced by the divine influence of the soul. Then the soul is called his friend. When the same mind becomes extroverted and attached to objects, then it is as if the soul is its enemy. The conclusion is that the conscious soul exists equally, but from the point of view of the inward or extroverted tendencies of the mind, it is called a friend or enemy of man. And if the meaning of the word soul is mind, then it would mean that restrained mind is the friend of man and arbitrary is his enemy.

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Uncontrolled Mind….1

October 14, 2023


उद्धरेदात्मनाऽऽत्मानं नात्मानमवसादयेत्।

आत्मैव ह्यात्मनो बन्धुरात्मैव रिपुरात्मनः।।6.5।।

The purpose of the Gita in the form of a scripture is to render the truth and only the truth. It is another matter that in a particular period the beliefs of the people may have become of some other type, but the prevailing beliefs in the society have no importance in rendering the truth. The prevalent belief that an external source like God’s grace continuously helps a man and takes him forward in the path of means is not harmful, but along with this belief, one’s own effort is also necessary for complete success. Man should do self-realization by himself, this is the clear declaration of Lord Krishna himself. This is not the sweet humor of Shri Krishna in the blissful moments of Rasleela with the gopis on the banks of the Yamuna, but the call made to Arjuna in the most tense moments of the battle and also the fulfillment of his incarnation work. If man wants cultural and spiritual progress, then he has to elevate his latent inner powers from the present inferior condition and recognize his pure form.

Every man has an idea of an ideal in his mind. Although at the intellectual level he sees that ideal clearly, but unfortunately that ideal always remains in the imagination and does not take the form of reality in the practical world. We may know from our intellect what we ought to be, but in practice we behave quite opposite to our own ideal. The gulf between the ideal and the real is the measure of man’s fall from perfection. Most people are unaware of their dual personality. Generally we think of ourselves as an ideal person whereas in reality we are full of many faults but we do not accept it. In the society, we also see such a person who, being very selfish himself, criticizes even the little selfishness of his neighbor. What is the angle his own eyes are making with each other. On careful introspection it is known that at the intellectual level our ideal is a moral loving and disciplined person which we also want to be but in the emotional world of mind we are We suffer from the vices of attachment, attachment, aversion, love and hatred, lust and anger, and then we start behaving like a common street dog fighting with a dog of its own caste for a dry bone without flesh. As long as man is not aware of this dual personality of his, religion has no meaning or purpose for him.

The one who has recognized the gulf between ideal and reality and who wants to uplift himself, is told the means. for him, that is called religion. Our mind is the destroyer which entices us towards sensual pleasures and makes us their slaves. It is the mind that promotes low tendencies by forgetting the ideal. Similarly, the mind has to be brought under the control of the intellect, which is the best way to express the soul. In short, when the effect of the discriminating power of the intellect is used to control the subject-oriented mind of fickle nature, then the same mind becomes united with the superior and divine nature. The process by which this work is accomplished is called spiritual means. This work of self-improvement cannot be done by giving a contract to anyone, every human being will have to do this work himself, this is the way to walk alone. No guru can take responsibility for this, nor can any scripture promise this salvation; It is true that in the path of self-development, Guru Shastra and temple have their own place, purpose and effect, however, the main task of freeing ourselves from our demerits and misconceptions is to be done by ourselves. The treatment that God has told so far is in some part the path of introspection called in modern psychology, in which efforts are made to understand one’s faults, to renounce falsehood, to live as best a life as possible, etc. But this is only a partial treatment, not a complete one. Here Sri Krishna describes the complete treatment. It is not enough just to do the spiritual practice specified in introspection, but our effort should be to preserve whatever victory we get over the kingdom of the inner demon and not to return it again. In this one sentence, God warns us not to allow the downfall of the soul again.

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सबको संभालने वालों को

October 13, 2023


सबको संभालने वालों को,
संभालने वाले कम होते हैं..!!
उनके मन में भी तूफान आते,
फिर भी चेहरे पे मुस्कान होते हैं।

जो हर दर्द को अपना लेते,
उनके जख्म किसी को दिखते नहीं।
सबकी खुशी में वह हंसते,
खुद के दर्द में सिमटते हैं।

उनका दर्द उनकी मौजूदगी,
उनकी चुपी ही बता देती है।
सबको संभालने वालों का,
दर्द भी अलग होता है।

जो दुनिया को खुश रखते,
वो खुद में ही बस जाते।
सबको संभालने वालों को,
संभालने वाले बहुत कम होते हैं।।

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अच्छी नहीं लगती तुम

October 12, 2023


अच्छी नहीं लगती तुम

तुम बेखौफ़ अच्छी लगती हो।
तुम सरफ़रोश अच्छी लगती हो।
अच्छी लगती हो तुम,
जब सौम्य भी होती हो और आत्मनिर्भर भी ।
तुम मुस्कुराती हर रोज़ अच्छी लगती हो।
और अच्छी लगती हो तुम उस दिन भी ..
जब अपने काम की तल्लीनता में गंभीर खोयी होती हो कहीं।
तो क्या तुम मुझे हर वक्त अच्छी लगती हो ?
नहीं !
जब सबकी बातों में आ खुद को अच्छा नहीं समझती
और दुसरों के तानों से तंग आ खुद को कम आंकती हो तुम,
जब औरों की तय किये सीमाओं में बंध सी जाती हो
और आजाद उड़ने के बजाय थम जाती हो तुम,
तो सच है कि
अच्छी नहीं लगती तुम।

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If I were not a writer

October 11, 2023


If I were not a writer
I’d roam the untamed lands,
Wandering through forests,
Feeling nature’s gentle hands.
With camera in my grasp,
I’d capture moments rare,
Unfolding scenic wonders,
Their stories I’d declare.
A painter’s brush I’d wield,
To splash the world with hues,
Creating vivid masterpieces,
Each stroke a joyful muse.
Or maybe a musician,
My melodies would soar,
Enchanting souls with music,
Like waves upon the shore.

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A Women Seeks

October 10, 2023


A woman seeks not worldly wealth,
But peace for her soul, spiritual health.
Not just the touch of the flesh and skin,
But solace within, a love deep within.

When pain besets her, lend a listening ear,
When sadness surrounds, wipe away the tear.
She doesn’t desire riches, nor gold,
Just a little care, let this story be told.

In her heart, she craves not treasure,
Only a bit of concern, a bond to ensure.
A touch of empathy, a kind, loving grace,
In this intricate world, let her find her place.

For what she seeks is not wealth or fame,
But the warmth of love, a heart’s gentle flame.
So offer your heart, your care, and your time,
In her journey of life, let love softly chime.

With empathy’s embrace, she’ll surely thrive,
In your understanding, she’ll feel alive.
A woman desires not riches vast,
Just a little compassion, from first to last.

In this world of grandeur, let her be seen,
Not just as a face, but a soul serene.
For what she truly craves, you’ll come to find,
Is love and kindness, a connection that binds.

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Death Of A Loved One….2

October 9, 2023


वासांसि जीर्णानि यथा विहाय
नवानि गृणाति नरोऽपराणि।
तथा शरीराणि विहाय जीर्णा-
न्यन्यानि संयाति नवानि देही ।।2.22।।

often in the morning
taking off old clothes
take a bath and wear new clothes
So do we cry?
Are you happy? no no… normal
live as they are
and change clothes everyday
But have we changed by changing clothes?
No isn’t it?
just like the body we think of as ours
she really likes clothes
Changing body does not change our original form
The way in which there is promotion and demotion according to the hard work in the job.
Similarly, according to the deeds, the body is also received.
But the body is the clothes and death is the process of changing the clothes.

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Death Of A Loved One….1

October 8, 2023


देहिनोऽस्मिन्यथा देहे कौमारं यौवनं जरा।
तथा देहान्तरप्राप्तिर्धीरस्तत्र न मुह्यति ।।2.13।।

The rule of memory is that the experiencer and the rememberer should be the same person only then it is possible to remember something. I cannot remember your experiences and neither can you remember my experiences, but we both can remember our experiences.

In old age we can remember our childhood and youth. At the end of virginity comes youth and then old age. Now it is clear that in old age the person does not have both the states of virginity and youth, yet he can remember the experiences gained in those states. It is proved by the law of memory that there is something in the individual which is unchanging in all the three states which receives and remembers the experiences through the body of the child and youth. Seeing this way, it is known that the death of virginity is the birth of youth and the death of youth is the birth of old age. And yet, we do not feel sad because of these continuous changes, rather we are happy after getting innumerable experiences while passing through these stages.

Using this personal experience of everyone in the world as an illustration, Sri Krishna wants to explain to Arjuna that the wise man does not grieve when the soul leaves one body and enters another. This verse further strengthens this truth hidden behind the principle of reincarnation. Therefore there is no fear of death for a wise man. We do not mourn the death of childhood etc. because we know that we continue to exist and that we are attaining a higher state than the former state. Similarly, after leaving one particular body, the soul adopts another body according to its former desires. A patient person is not deluded in this matter.

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Feeling Sinful….4

October 7, 2023


अपि चेत्सुदुराचारी भजते मामनन्यभाक् ।
साधुरेव स मन्तव्यः सम्यग्व्यवसितो हि सः ।।9.30।।

The greatness of devotion has been explained here by showing the effect of devotion on every human being. Devotion described in the Gita means meditating on the non-dual form of Brahma in the form of self, that is, with oneness. The sequence of development of a human being is shown here if this devotional practice is practiced for a long time with necessary intensity and dedication. Generally speaking, people have some notion that an evil sinner or a despondent criminal is an outcast who can never dare to enter the courtyard of heaven. To condemn such a corrupt or immoral person is to misunderstand the meaning and essence of Vedic literature. This is really unfortunate. Vedas condemn sin, not the sinner. The sinful actions of the sinner are only the expression of the evil thoughts in his mind. Therefore, if the composition or direction of his thoughts can be changed, then there will definitely be a change in his behavior. One who, in an atmosphere of flourishing devotion, has succeeded in keeping God in his mind, the rehabilitation of his mental life is accomplished in such a way that he cannot thereafter again indulge in sinful conduct. Not only does the Gita keep its doors open to sinners if even the most vicious person worships me. but it appears that Lord Krishna, the singer of this divine song, with the fervor of a missionary, wants to make all sinners free and happy. The entry of sinners into the spiritual realm is not denied merely because of impurity of life and inferior actions. The insistence is only that the devotee should worship and think about the soul with an exclusive spirit.

Here the meaning of the word unique is also related to the mind of man and the nature of the goal. Its overall meaning would be that the specified fruit of devotion would be attained only when the devotee meditates on the non-dual and eternal form of God with a concentrated mind. This non-dual soul should not be considered different from the original form of the devotee. This is the uniqueness. No matter how wicked and cruel a person may have been or how uncontrollably sensual his life may have been before he took up the practice of devotion, he is worthy of being considered a saint from the moment he takes the first step on the path of devotional self- reflection. Only that saint is worthy of being accepted, this is the statement of Lord Shri Krishna. This type of predicate statement is used in all languages. Like making bread or making tea. Actually only dough was being kneaded or water was being heated but still the completion of actions in the near future is in making roti or making tea that’s why the above type of sentences are called. Similarly, here too, the moment a sinful man takes shelter of the path of devotion, from that very moment he becomes eligible to be called a saint because soon he becomes free from his demerits and attains growth and progress in the field of spiritual opulence. This is a predicted statement. The reason for considering such a man as a sage is that he has taken the right decision. In this divine life, true auspicious determination is more important than mere routine. The vast majority of men only toil on their way with a gloom and anxiety like a starving animal marching towards the slaughterhouse. Such a sad procession can reach nowhere except the butcher’s butcher’s butcher’s butcher’s butcher’s hut where death tears them to pieces. The man who moves on this path with steady and firm determination, alertness and enthusiasm, happiness and bravery, he gets the glory of sure success. That’s why Muralimnohar Lord Shri Krishna says with special emphasis that even a very vicious person is eligible to be considered a saint from the very moment after making a right decision because soon he is going to become a successful wise man.

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Feeling Sinful….3

October 6, 2023


ब्रह्मण्याधाय कर्माणि सगं त्यक्त्वा करोति यः।
लिप्यते न स पापेन पद्मपत्रमिवाम्भसा ।।5.10।।

In Ishopanishad it is said that all things are related to Parabrahma or Krishna and hence they belong to Him alone. One who knows very well that everything belongs to Krishna and that He is the master of everything, and therefore everything is engaged in the service of the Lord, he naturally has no concern for the results of auspicious or inauspicious deeds. Even the human body given by the Lord to perform a particular type of work can be engaged in Kryma consciousness. Then it remains beyond the contamination of sinful deeds just like a lotus leaf does not get wet even after being in water.

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Feeling Sinful….2

October 5, 2023


यथैधांसि समिद्धोऽग्निर्भस्मसात्कुरुतेऽर्जुन ।
ज्ञानाग्निः सर्वकर्माणि भस्मसात्कुरुते तथा। ।4.37।।

God says through an illustration. This parable is well known and very appropriate. Irrespective of the size, type or color of the fuelwood, when they are thrown into the fire pit, the end result of all is the same, ashes. We cannot separate the ashes of different woods from that heap of ashes. Their original form is completely destroyed. In the same way, all the sins and virtues and all the deeds are burnt to ashes in the fire of knowledge. Their former working form is destroyed. Karma gives fruits. But all actions cannot be fruitful at the same time. According to the rules, when they become mature, only then they start getting their fruits. Since time immemorial. the living being has been performing many actions with the pride of being a doer. That’s why he has to adopt many types of bodies. The fruits of these deeds are necessary. These Ideeds have been classified into three parts in the scriptures.

• Sanchita – Karma acquired that has not yet borne fruit.
•Prarabdha – those who have started bearing fruit.
•Upcoming that is, the deeds whose fruits will be reaped in the future.

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Feeling Sinful….1

October 4, 2023


अपि चेदसि पापेभ्यः सर्वेभ्यः पापकृत्तमः ।
सर्व ज्ञानप्लवेनैव वृजिनं सन्तरिष्यसि।।4.36।।

Lord Krishna had assured Arjuna of self-realization but the experience was so grand and sublime that Arjuna could not believe himself. He had a belief about himself that he was. not worthy of having this experience. Any sensible person who is aware of his demerits can have such doubts in his mind. Vedanta does not give such a philosophy that by being cruel- hearted, it should deprive the sinners from the acquisition of knowledge. Vedanta does not believe in the notion that a person is patita (corrupt, corrupt, fallen) and will forever wander in the lower worlds and the salvation of that fallen person will come only when he enters the Vedanta temple Extremely tolerant Vedanta philosophy Only truth declares that and only the truth. The all-pervading divine principle is manifesting everywhere and therefore there is no sinful person who cannot by self-effort achieve his birthright of perfection. Gita is a life scripture written for human beings only and its universality is clearly visible in this verse. The Gita assures that even the most sinful man can reach the shore of perfection in the boat of knowledge by swimming the miseries and painful dements of the present life. This right of man to attain perfection is not mentioned so clearly in any scripture of the world. Recognizing that the real form of the soul is not different from the Supreme God and then living in the form of the self is called right knowledge. Realizing our transcendental blissful form, sensual pleasures cannot tempt us nor can they drag us into a sinful life. It has been said here in very beautiful words that you will be able to cross all sins by the boat of knowledge.

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October 3, 2023


ईश्वरः सर्वभूतानां हृद्देशेऽर्जुन तिष्ठति ।।
आमयन्सर्वभूतानि यन्त्रासानि मायया ।।18.61।।

God is the regulator and controller. All the events of the world can happen only in his presence, otherwise not. As the god of steam engine is steam, without which the engine cannot move. God should not be remembered only in the human form of Saguna-Sakar i.e. Shakti, like Kailashpati Shivji or Vaikunthavasi Vishnu in the form of father. God is the inner being residing in the heart of the ghost. It can be recognized only in the heart. Just as the address of a person’s residence is given to meet a person in a huge metropolis, in the same way Lord Krishna is giving his local address here. The Supreme Lord is the source of consciousness and power, who bestows His power on all living beings. All the living beings revolve around God in this way. Like puppets tied. in someone’s hands play. Puppets have no strength, power or emotion of their own, whatever they appear to play is the power of the invisible hand that holds those puppets. From a transcendental point of view, the meaning of God is consciousness-form Brahma. In relation to this Chaitanya, the non-living things like body, mind etc. are able to work. Otherwise, matter itself has neither the power to act nor to know things From this point of view, the meaning of this verse would be that in the presence of the soul in the form of consciousness, only the living beings move from place to place according to their nature. This fact has been stated here in such a way that God rotates the ghost with his maya. The second meaning of this verse is that God in the form of consciousness manifested in the universal Maya is called. God, who is omniscient and omnipotent. That God rotates all the living beings with his illusion, it means that that God gives fruits to all the living beings according to their deeds. The existence of individual beings is not possible without God. All living beings get the powers of action and knowledge from God only. Thus, the meaning of the metaphor used here becomes clear from the study of this verse by understanding the principles of Vedanta.

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October 2, 2023


सर्वस्य चाह हृदि सन्निविष्टो मत्तः स्मृतिर्ज्ञानमपोहनं च ।
वेदैश्च सर्वरहमेव वेद्यो वेदान्तकृद्वेदविदेव चाहम् ।।15.15।।

Lord Krishna says that He resides in the heart of all living beings in the form of consciousness. Here the word heart is not allowed to refer to the physical heart. The mind which is filled with virtues like love, forgiveness, compassion, compassion, says the heart. Heart in philosophy means a calm, happy, alert and aware mind, which is capable of experiencing the Supreme Self. To call the heart the abode of the divine means that although it is everywhere, the actual experience of that consciousness as a self is possible only in the heart. It is my memory, knowledge and their recollection that is well known fact that inert matter and dead body do not have any kind of memory, knowledge or forgetfulness. This proves that when the mind-intellect is a conscious person in the subtle body, then only he is capable of attaining knowledge, and that consciousness illuminates all the instincts. All the experiences we get in our life are stored in our mind in the form of impressions. In life we remember Him, and thus He is helpful in our present and future actions. All our present education and learning is the memory of past experiences. If we are not aware of our memories then they will not be available for our use. Responding appropriately with the sequence of the present and thus receiving new learning is the process of broadening your knowledge. This process is possible only in the light of consciousness.

In the process of acquiring new knowledge, our ability to discard the misconceptions of the past is proved. This is called Apohanam in this verse. Acquisition of new knowledge cannot be possible without forgetting or renouncing false knowledge. Consciousness illuminates these inner mental pictures of knowledge, memory and forgetfulness. I am the element to be discovered by all the Vedas. In all the religious texts of the world, only God has been praised and worshipped. The realization of God is the ultimate goal of life and its creation is also in its attainment. This consciousness, which resides in the heart of all beings, is the only unique, ultimate truth, which is the only establishment of the entire perceptible universe. I am Vedantkrit and knower of Vedas also, Chaitanya is that eternal truth and everything else is based on it, that Chaitanya is the essence of all, in which Vedas are also included. By reciting Vedanta, the seeker who experiences Vedas naturalized self- form, does not differ from that consciousness in any situation. That’s why God says, I am also Vedavit. The summary of the above verses is that Sachchidanandasvarupa Brahma is the light in the sun, the fertile power in the earth, the food-giving light in the moon, the Vaisvanar fire in the body, and the soul in the heart of every living being. This Brahman is the only real thing to be known through the Vedas, which manifests itself in the form of various forces of nature and makes possible the life of mere mortals in this world.

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October 1, 2023


तदित्यनभिसन्धाय फलं यज्ञतपःक्रियाः ।
दानक्रियाश्च विविधाः क्रियन्ते मोक्षकाङ्क्षिभिः ।।17.25।।

One who wants to free himself from the bonds of his attachments, selfish desires, ego and the distractions arising out of it, is called mumukshu. This verse tells a solution. to such mumukshus, by which all the aspirants can free themselves from the bondage of their desires. Mumukshus should perform their duties by renouncing fruit and remembering God through the word Tat. The word Tat is the reader of Jagatkaran Brahma, from where the whole creation is manifested. Thus, this word is also an indicator of the spirituality of the ghost. When the welfare of one’s family is remembered, personal benefit is forgotten, while working for the society, the benefit of the family is forgotten and when the feeling of national welfare arises, there is no desire left for the benefit of the society and the world and the world. The boundaries of nationality are broken in doing work for humanity. Similarly, in the absence of ego, the pre-acquired vasanas of the inner self are destroyed and new vasanas do not arise, by the performance of Yagyadanadi Karmas by absorbing the mind in the spirit of spirituality. This is liberation.

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September 30, 2023


त्रिविधं नरकस्येदं वारं नाशनमात्मनः ।
कामः क्रोधस्तथा लोभस्तस्मादेतत्वयं त्यजेत् । । 16.21 ।।

Heaven is in the form of happiness, whereas hell is in the form of sorrow. Therefore, in this life also man can experience heaven and hell in his state of mind. The existence of heaven and hell is also known from the evidence of the scriptures. In this verse three types of gates of hell have been mentioned. The purpose of this entire chapter is to save man from the demonic state and make him experience selfless service and self-bliss. Work, anger and greed Where there is work, it is natural to have anger. Considering a subject as a means of happiness, by constantly thinking about it, the desire for that subject arises. If there is any obstacle in this wish fulfillment, it gives rise to anger. If desire is intense, then anger is also in such a fierce form that it sinks the boat of life by hurling it hither and thither, shattering it. If the desire is fulfilled, one’s greed increases and thus, one’s power decreases. That sense of dissatisfaction is called greed, which poisons our sense of present satisfaction. A greedy man never gets peace and happiness, because dissatisfaction is the nature of greed. If we understand this action-reaction-form relationship of lust, anger and greed, then we have to accept the conclusion of God that therefore these three should be abandoned.

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September 29, 2023


सत्वात्सञ्जायते ज्ञानं रजसो लोभ एव च।
प्रमादमोहौ तमसो भवतोऽज्ञानमेव च।। 14.17।।

The role played by these three gunas when they enter the stage of mind and intellect has been explained in this verse. Knowledge arises from sattva guna, because of the absence of subjects in the soul itself as consciousness, the question of knowing any subject does not arise. But the wisdom of the conscience, which is full of consciousness, illumines the subjects. If the conscience is pure and peaceful Le. sattvik then its knowledge capacity is more. It is only through such a pure mind that one can always have an unobstructed experience of a pure Buddha-free soul. Greed and many types of selfish tendencies and distractions arise from Rajoguna. Delusion, delusion and ignorance arise from Tamoguna. Not, knowing the subject in any way is ignorance, while the absence of discretion in two things or actions is called delusion. Not having the discretion of religion-unrighteousness, truth-false, soul-non-soul etc. is an illusion. Not being careful in any action or understanding things in a different way is called Pramad. Because of this, by imagining happiness in the extemal world, man wanders in it. In the whole ocean, can one vessel full of sweet water be found? Not really, but a man under the influence of Tamoguna keeps trying for the same and when he has to suffer.

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September 28, 2023


बाह्यस्पर्शेष्वसक्तात्मा विन्दत्यात्मनि यत्सुखम् ।
ब्रह्मयोगयुक्तात्मा सुखमक्षयमश्नुते ।।5.21।।

That Purush situated in Brahman (how it happens, let us tell) those who can be touched (knowledge) by the senses, they are Sparsh. From this etymology, the name of the semantic subjects is Sparsh (all of them are not within themselves, therefore they are external). In whose conscience is not attached, such a man without love for the subject attains that happiness which is within himself. And that samadhi that is in Brahma Yoga Yuktaatma Brahma, its name is Brahma-yoga, by that Brahma-yoga whose inner self is well contained in it, such a man experiences inexhaustible happiness. That’s why a man who himself wants eternal happiness should remove the senses from the love of temporary external subjects.

Shri Yamunacharya, a great devotee of Krishna consciousness, has said – “Ever since I have engaged myself in the transcendental loving service of Krishna, experiencing ever-new bliss in Him, whenever I think of sex. I spit at the thought and my lips quiver with distaste.” A brahma yogi or a person in Krishna consciousness is so much absorbed in the loving service of the Lord that he has no interest whatsoever in sense pleasures. From the point of view of materialism, sex is the supreme joy. The whole world is under his control and materialistic people cannot do any work without this encouragement. But a person engrossed in Kessa consciousness continues to do his work enthusiastically without any desire for pleasure. This is the test of self-realization. Self-realization and sexual pleasure never go together. A person in Krishna consciousness, being liberated in life, is not attracted by any kind of sense pleasure.

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September 27, 2023


मात्रास्पर्शास्तु कौन्तेय शीतोष्णसुखदुःखदाः ।
आगमापायिनोऽ नित्यास्तांस्तितिक्षस्व भारत ।।2.14।।

According to the Vedanta process of subjectivity, the knowledge of external objects is through the senses. The senses are only the instruments by which the living entity perceives the objects and knows them. Without the soul, only the senses cannot give knowledge of the subjects.. It is well known that the same object can give different experiences to two different persons. The reason for two different experiences through the same object is the difference in the mental structure of those two persons.

It has also been seen that the thing which was very dear to a person at one time, becomes unpleasant in the second stage of life because as time passes, his mind also changes. In short, it is clear that any kind of experience is possible only when there is contact with external objects through our senses.

The man who understands that the things of the world are ever-changing, keep on arising and getting destroyed, that man will never allow himself to be distracted because of these. things. In the flow of time, future events take the form of the present and are continuously included in the past by providing us with various experiences. Nothing in the world can remain without getting distorted even for a moment. Here change is the only immutable law.

Understanding this rule, there is no reason left for a wise man to grieve because of the existence or non-existence of things that have the beginning and the end. Cold and heat. success and failure, happiness and sorrow are not permanent. When the reality is like this, then being upset or worried because of every changed situation is a sign of ignorance. The troubles that come in life should be tolerated peacefully without worrying. In all kinds of favorable and unfavorable circumstances, the wise man always keeps in mind the fact that this too shall pass.

The objects of the world are finite because they have a beginning and an end. The Lord says that these things are impermanent by nature. The meaning of the word impermanent is that the same thing can sometimes be pleasant and sometimes painful for a single person.

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Depression….. 1

September 26, 2023


क्लैब्यं मा स्म गमः पार्थ नैतत्वस्युपपद्यते।
क्षुद्र हृदयदौर्बल्यं त्यक्त्वोतिष्ठ परन्तप ।।2.3।।

Lord Krishna reprimands the grief-stricken Arjuna with eloquent words. The strike of his every word is as sharp as a saber which is enough to defeat any person. Claby means impotence. Here this word refers to that state of mind in which a person neither has the courage to face the situation like a man nor can sit like a shy woman with soft feelings. In today’s language, in this type of behavior of a person, his friends express surprise that this man is a woman or a man. Arjuna was also becoming like those eunuchs in the royal court, who dressed like men and dressed as women. Used to do He used to speak like a man but was emotional like a woman in his mind. He was capable of body but weak of mind.

Till now Shri Krishna was silent, his serious silence was meaningful. Arjun was also presenting many arguments in his favor by deciding not to fight in the state of attachment. Sri Krishna knew that it was futile to oppose Arjuna in such a situation earlier. But now seeing tears in his eyes, they understood that his confusion had reached its peak. It is rightly believed in the Bhakti tradition that as long as wel argue thinking ourselves to be wise, the Lord remains unheard in complete silence, but abandoning the ego of knowledge and overflowing with devotion, with tears in his eyes. On going to refuge. Lord Karunasagar immediately reaches his devotee without inviting him to guide him from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. In this emotional state the living entity needs the guidance and help of God.

By receiving the grace of God, the conscience of the devotee becomes pure and becomes full of joy, which is very necessary for the direct experience of consciousness in the form of self-light. According to this accepted fact and also the experience of the devotees, we see in the Gita that as soon as the Lord began to speak, His words, like lightning, fell on Arjuna’s mind, leaving him deeply ashamed of his misconceptions. Gentle words of sympathy could not cheer Arjuna’s dejected mind. Therefore, provoking Arjuna with words like sharp arrows dipped in the acid of sarcasm, in the end God says get up and work.

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September 25, 2023


समोऽहं सर्वभूतेषु न मे द्वेष्योऽस्ति न प्रियः ।
ये भजन्ति तु मां भक्त्या मयि ते तेषु चाप्यहम्। ।।9.29।।

It may be asked here that when Krishna is equal to all and has no special friend, then why does He take special interest in those devotees who are always engaged in His transcendental service? But this is not discrimination, it is simple. A person may be very benevolent in this world, but still he takes special interest in his children. The Lord says that every living being, regardless of the species of life he is in, therefore He supplies everyone with the essentials of life. He is like a cloud that rains water on everyone, whether it rains on rock or on land, or in water. But God takes special care of his devotees. Such devotees are mentioned here they are always in Krishna consciousness, they are constantly absorbed in Krishna. The very word Krishna consciousness suggests that those who remain in such consciousness are living spiritualists and are situated in Him. The Lord clearly says here- Mayi Te means He is in Me. God is also in them. This also explains Yeyatha maa prapadyante tanstathaiva bhajamyham – whoever takes refuge in me, I take care of him in the same way. This transcendental reciprocity exists because both the devotee and the Lord are conscious. When a diamond is set in a gold ring. it looks very beautiful. This increases the glory of gold, but at the same time the glory of diamond also increases. The Lord and the living entity constantly shine, and when a living. entity is engaged in the service of the Lord, he looks like gold. God is like a diamond, so this combination is excellent. In a pure state, living beings are called devotees. The Supreme Lord also becomes the devotee of His devotees. If there is no sense of reciprocity between God and the devotee, then there will be no personal philosophy. Mayavadi philosophy does not find such a sense of exchange between the Supreme Lord and the soul, but it does happen in Sagunavadi philosophy.

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September 24, 2023


आत्मौपम्येन सर्वत्र समं पश्यति योऽर्जुन ।
सुख वा यदि वा दुःख सः योगी परमो मतः ।।6.32।।

Yogis situated in philosophy and self-realization naturally see the all-pervading soul. They see the glory of the soul in all actions and know that all actions done by titles are done by self-grace. The outer gross and the inner subtle world are the manifestations of the soul. According to the Gita, the best yogi is one who understands the happiness and sorrow of others as if they were his own. The well-known ethical rule is to treat others the way you would expect them to treat you. But this rule is unpleasant to the common man because due to selfishness he thinks why he should consider others as himself. Due to ignorance and selfishness, the natural tendency of people leans towards immorality. We should love every living being. Yogi recognizes the whole creation as a manifestation of the soul through self-realization, so it is natural to have love for all. Due to the identity of every human being with his body, he has equal love for all the parts of the body. If the tongue is accidentally cut off by the teeth. then man never thinks of punishing the teeth because he himself is equally present in the teeth and in the tongue. In the same way, on recognizing the soul, the entire creation of name and form becomes self-swaroop and only 1 (the soul) pervades everywhere in all times. A perfect person who has seen spirituality is considered as the supreme yogi in the Gita. who gives more to the society and takes less. Love is his breath and compassion is his life.

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September 23, 2023


इहैव तैर्जितः सर्गो येषां साम्ये स्थितं मनः ।
निर्दोष हि समं ब्रह्म तस्माद्ब्रहमणि ते स्थिताः । 15.19।।

They are not guilty because whose conscience is situated in equanimity i.e. in equanimity with all the ghosts i.e. has become motionless. Those equanimous scholars have conquered the canto i.e. birth while still alive, that is, they have brought it under their control. Because Brahman is innocent (that same). Although the soul appears to be flawed to the foolish people because of their defects in the defective Chandalati, yet in reality it (the soul) is free from their defects. Being nirguna, the conscious soul is not different even from the difference of its gunas. God will also tell the religion of the region to the desire and will also say that because of being eternal and nirgun (the soul does not get attached). (Nitya Dravyagat mentioned in Vaiseshik Shastra) Even the ultimate specials are not going to create difference in the soul because there is no proof of the existence of those special specials in every body. Therefore (it is proved that) Brahman is equal and one. That’s why those equanimous men are situated in Brahma, that’s why even the smell of fault cannot touch them because the pride of seeing the worldly conflict from them has gone away. Samasamabhyan vishamsame puja: This sutra is about the men who have the pride of self-vision in the dehadi Sanghat because of the adjective related to worship. Because in the deeds of worship, charity etc. (differential intelligence), the relation of special qualities is seen. But Brahman is free from the relation of all qualities and defects, therefore it is correct to say that they are situated in Brahman.

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September 22, 2023


विद्याविनयसंपन्ने ब्राह्मणे गवि हस्तिनि ।
शुनि चैव श्वपाके च पण्डिताः समदर्शिनः ।।5.18।।

We have the vision to see the world according to our knowledge. The self-realized man sees only the equally existing divine self-principle everywhere. The sea cannot have a different feeling towards the innumerable waves arising in the sea. From the point of view of clay, all the pots made of clay are the same. In the same way, the egoless man who has recognized his Brahman form, his vision of looking at the nameless creation becomes equal. All visible differences are only in titles. The difference between humans can be in the form and color of the body or in the nature of the mind or the sharpness of the intellect. But the life element is always the same in everyone. That’s why it is said in this verse that a Brahmin with knowledge, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a candal look at all these with equal vision of a self-realized scholar. There is only one supreme truth in all the titles. Samdarshan is the main feature of self-realization. A wise man does not differentiate on the basis of his personal likes and dislikes. One sees the Supreme Truth experienced in the form of the Self manifested in various names and forms. Knowledgeable great men are the ones who see the same God in the leamed Brahmin and in the Chandal and also in the cow, elephant and dog.

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September 21, 2023


त्रिविधं नरकस्येदं द्वारं नाशनमात्मनः ।
कामः क्रोधस्तथा लोभस्तस्मादेतत्त्रयं त्यजेत् ।।16.21।।

Heaven is in the form of happiness, whereas hell is in the form of sorrow. Therefore, in this life also man can experience heaven and hell in his state of mind. The existence of heaven. and hell is also known from the evidence of the scriptures. In this verse three types of gates of hell have been mentioned. The purpose of this entire chapter is to save man from the demonic state and make him experience selfless service and self-bliss. Work, anger and greed Where there is work, it is natural to have anger. Considering a subject as a means of happiness, by constantly thinking about it, the desire for that. subject arises. If there is any obstacle in this wish fulfillment, it gives rise to anger. If desire is intense, then anger is also in such a fierce form that it sinks the boat of life by hurling it hither and thither, shattering it. If the desire is fulfilled, one’s greed increases and thus, one’s power decreases. That sense of dissatisfaction is called greed, which poisons our sense of present satisfaction. A greedy man never gets peace and happiness, because dissatisfaction is the nature of greed. If we understand this action-reaction-form relationship of lust, anger and greed, then we have to accept the conclusion of God that therefore these three should be abandoned.

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September 20, 2023


ये हि संस्पर्शना भोगा दुःखयोनय एव ते।

आद्यन्तवन्तः कौन्तेय न तेषु रमते बुधः ।।5.22।।

We human beings also try to be free from sensual attachment in order to experience the eternal bliss of the soul. Even an intelligent man of ordinary level, if he considers the experiences of life, he can understand that searching for happiness in impermanent objects is not a profitable business The law of diminishing utility operates in the same way in all our experiences. The thing which gives happiness in the beginning also becomes very painful after some time. What we experience while eating the first and twenty-fifth laddus when we are hungry can be seen by direct experiment which will prove the basic truth that sensual consumption is always the cause of sorrow. Objects of sense enjoyment can be as beautiful and pleasurable as a leprosy courtesan trying to entice strangers in her brothel situated in a dark narrow street of a commercial city, adorned with cosmetics. Shri Krishna explains this fact in a beautiful style and says that sensual pleasures being impermanent cannot entice a wise man. A wise man is satisfied only by attaining perfection. We tire ourselves by running after materialistic things in the hope of getting more satisfaction and happiness and in that false hope we do many inferior deeds. Whereas real, pure, divine and complete bliss can be attained only through self-realization. Another antagonist of the path of credit is the enemy, who is the cause of all calamities and formidable.

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September 19, 2023


एवं बुद्धेः परं बुद्ध्वा संस्तभ्यात्मानमात्मना ।
जहि शत्रु महाबाहो कामरूपं दुरासदम् | 13.43।।

We can destroy self-ignorance only through knowledge in the form of self-experience. Ignorance is the result of desire whose abode is the senses, mind and intellect. By the practice of meditation, when we separate our attention from the external object, body, mind and intellect and stabilize it in our own nature, then the intellect, the mother of desire, ends. As long as we remain identified with titles like body, mind, etc., till then we do not recognize our pure divine form. Not only this, but the unhappy always consider the limited ego as their own form. We will be able to control our mind completely after experiencing the splendor of our own form. The mind of a wise man like Gautama Buddha cannot create disturbance in his conscience in any way because that mind remains under the complete control of the wise man. It is to be noted here that the philosophy propounded in the Gita teaches to make a predicate structure of life and not neglect or destroy the possibilities of life. Desire is a painful wound, to cure it, the treatment of the paste of knowledge has been explained here. With the use of this knowledge, we can live by being the master of all the inner circumstances. The person who achieves this goal is called a divine man, a sage or a prophet.

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September 18, 2023

Shanky ❤Salty

तस्मात्त्वमिन्द्रियाण्यादौ नियम्य भरतर्षभ।
पाप्मानं प्रजहि हयेनं ज्ञानविज्ञाननाशनम् | 3.41 ||

Shri Krishna does not just propound any truth without giving sufficient arguments. Now, here too, after a logical discussion, he preaches to control the senses, by which the desire in the heart can be destroyed. The reason that desire is called sinful here is that it in its gross form compels us to live a very low level of life. Even if we have sattvik desire like smoke, our pure infinite form is not fully revealed. Therefore, all kinds of desires are said to be sinful to a lesser or greater extent. It is easy for a doctor to prescribe medicine for a patient, but if that medicine is made from a flower grown in the sky, the patient can never recover. Until he does not tell any means, his preaching will be considered as impossible as a medicine made from a flower grown in the sky.

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September 17, 2023


काम एष क्रोध एष रजोगुणसमुद्भवः ।
महाशनी महापाप्मा विध्येनमिह वैरिणम् । 13.37।।

This work, this anger, work means desire is the demon in the heart of man. Self-ignorance is expressed in the form of desire in the intellect. In this verse, lust and anger should not be considered as different. In certain circumstances, lust itself takes the form of anger. That distraction of the mind which manifests itself in the form of extreme impatience to attain something is called kama, Generally desire is only for something unattainable other than itself. It is not always: possible to fulfill the desire among innumerable persons and circumstances in the world, and in this way, if there is any obstacle between us and the desired object, then the desired desire itself takes the form of anger. Thus lust or anger is the demon which forces us to compromise with the circumstances. By forgetting the ideals, it leads us to sin. The stronger our base desires are, the more sinful our life will be. Desires cloud our conscience. When lust arises, innumerable types of painful instincts arise from it. To be in control of all these is ignorance and to rule over them is knowledge.

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September 16, 2023


मच्चित्तः सर्वदुर्गाणि मत्प्रसादात्तरिष्यसि।
अथ चेत्वमहङ्कारान्न श्रोष्यसि विनश्यसि ।। 18,5811

Man should keep on doing his duties while always remembering God. With continuous practice, the body and the mind also start supporting such an animated intelligence, which delights in the unbroken remembrance of God. Lord Krishna says, you will overcome all difficulties by my grace by keeping your mind in me. Most of the obstacles or restrictions that come in our life are only imaginary. False fear and vain worry are the symptoms of a confused mind. The fruit that is obtained by merging the mind in the divine form is called grace. The grace mentioned here does not mean that. Lord Karunasagar showers His grace only on special devotees and not on others. God himself is the form of grace. His grace is all pervading. The only requirement is to purify our conscience and awaken our conscience. When there is purity and discretion, the divine appears in its pure form, which is already present in the heart of man. Sunlight does not show favoritism to anyone. But the person who always keeps the doors and windows of his house closed, remains deprived of sunlight. Sun cannot be blamed for this.

In the second line of this verse, Lord Krishna warns that if one does not follow His advice out of arrogance, man will surely destroy himself. Natural laws are immutable, they have neither eyes nor listeners. They keep on rhythmizing their work. The person who recognizes these rules and follows them completely, he remains happy. If you arrogantly don’t listen, you will perish. This is not a threat from some cruel authority to intimidate mankind into obedience. It should not be compared with the threat of hell given in other religions. This is just a statement of the object situation. If Newton had also jumped from the roof of his house, then the power of gravity would definitely show its effect on him too, there is a certainty in the laws of nature. Man is free to choose either of these two options, bondage and salvation. The path of salvation has already been described here. In the statement presented, only God’s merciless eloquence and sense of welfare of man is evident. With this clear statement of his, he does not want to create or spoil anything. We always get guidance on the true method of life from the soft and sweet voice of inspiration. But the ego and selfishness of man ignores that sweet voice and follows the low-level life of sensual pleasures. As a result, he is punished by his own uncontrolled passions and impure thoughts. So here is the warning that you will be destroyed. Destruction here means that such an egoistic man cannot achieve the ultimate goal of life.

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September 15, 2023


मुक्तसङ्गोऽनहंवादी धृत्युत्साहसमन्वितः।
सिद्ध्यसिद्ध्योर्निर्विकारः कर्ता सात्त्विक उच्यते।।18.26।।

The true doer, liberated and free from attachment, acts selflessly without claiming ownership. Such an individual embodies perseverance and unwavering enthusiasm. Dhriti, the power of perception, and endeavor are intertwined within them, detached from the outcomes of their actions. Such a doer is deemed sattvik, driven solely by the guidance of scriptures rather than desire or attachment, and is termed nirvikar.

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September 14, 2023


आढ्योऽभिजनवानस्मि कोऽन्योऽस्ति सदृशो मया।
यक्ष्ये दास्यामि मोदिष्य इत्यज्ञानविमोहिताः।।16.15।।

“Beguiled by ignorance and the false knowledge that comes with it, and consumed by excessive pride and arrogance, a person with demonic qualities views the world through a distorted lens of illusion. In this state, it’s natural to have a skewed perception of oneself and one’s relationship with the world.

Such an individual is so blinded by their wealth, fame, and family status that they look down upon everyone else. Isolated from society due to their own actions, they reside in the castle of false pride, enduring countless mental torments. Their ambition is to dominate even the gods through sacrifices and attempt to purchase the entire world through charity. They imagine themselves being honored and adored.

These are some of the delusional thoughts of a person steeped in ignorance, dwelling in the abyss of their own misconceptions.”

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September 13, 2023


इदमद्य मया लब्धमिमं प्राप्स्ये मनोरथम्।
इदमस्तीदमपि मे भविष्यति पुनर्धनम्।।16.13।।

Ordinary people live this kind of life. In this world full of competition, that person is considered successful, who has maximum money. Therefore, the more money a man gets, he is not satisfied with it. The ridiculous contradiction in this concept of earning money is that instead of being satisfied with getting money, the desire for more and more money increases. Till date no materialistic rich person has considered his wealth as sufficient. On the contrary, giving the characteristics of a situated Pragya Purush, it has been said in the Gita that the perfection of the Gnani Purush is such that the objects of the world do not create any disorder in his mind, and that Purush attains real peace, not the Kami Purush. In this verse, the attitude of the demonic man with respect to material things is explained.

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September 12, 2023


दम्भो दर्पोऽभिमानश्च क्रोधः पारुष्यमेव च ।
अज्ञानं चाभिजातस्य पार्थ सम्पदमासुरीम् ॥16.4॥

There are various types of demonic tendencies, but in this context, only some prominent negative qualities are discussed. These qualities help us understand the underlying demonic traits that can emerge within a person’s heart and have destructive consequences. By recognizing these traits, we can work to remove undesirable tendencies from our hearts, thereby unlocking great potential for personal development.
‘Dambha’ refers to the act of appearing religious or virtuous while being genuinely irreligious. In simpler terms, it’s a form of arrogance where someone pretends to be something they are not. Sinful and deceitful individuals adopt this facade of superficial piety, chastity, righteousness, and sincerity to mask their evil intentions and motives.
‘Darp,’ excessive pride in one’s wealth, social status, knowledge, youth, or other attributes, leads to an insufferable sense of superiority. This pride distorts a person’s perception of the world, and they view events through a deluded sense of self-importance. As a result, they remain deprived of inner peace and often find themselves isolated from the affection of their own community. A proud person becomes solitary, and their only companions are their inflated self-esteem and grandiose dreams. They see their own splendor but fail to recognize the reality perceived by others, making them naturally arrogant.
When a person full of anger, arrogance, and pride realizes that people’s perceptions of them differ significantly from their self-image, they often respond with anger towards everything and everyone. This anger manifests in their actions and speech as harshness and audacity to confuse and intimidate others.
The root cause of these negative qualities is self-ignorance. Such individuals lack self-awareness and understanding of the world around them. Consequently, they struggle to establish healthy relationships with the world and insist that the external world conform to their expectations and desires. Their ignorance about themselves and the world leads to rebellion against society, often resulting in erratic behavior.
These qualities represent demonic traits, which hinder personal growth and harmony.

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